Sunday, October 14, 2007

Oct. 15: Brownie Meeting & Ceremony

Just a reminder that we have a Brownie Meeting tomorrow ( 3:45-5:15 in the basement of St. Andrews).

Please have the girls wear their vest with patches and pins on it. (Shawn will be bringing newly ordered vests for Rebecca and Madison). If you need any help give me a call 508-877-3436.

Also, have the girls wear their "uniform" brown pants, skirt, skort with an off white or cream top if you have gotten one already. If not, don't stress out. (Also, Susan Petroni has size 5 velour brown pants, that Bella has outgrown, that she will bring tomorrow if anyone needs them.)

For girls that were Daisys last year, put your daisy pin and world trefoil pin (blue one) on the vest as well.

At the beginning of the meeting, we will be having a small investiture ceremony - where the girls receive their brownie pins. We welcome parents who are able to stay and watch the ceremony. If you can't be there, please know that we will take a picture of each girl.

Also, at drop off we need parents of anyone attending the math and computer workshop next weekend or rollerskating outing to sign a permission card. If you are carpooling with someone else, we can make other arrangements to sign the cards.

Lastly, since the church building is locked until we arrive and leaders need some time to get the room set up, we ask that girls don't come into the building until 3:40. If we have time to get settled, we can better greet the girls and tend to any questions all of you may have.
Thanks for your understanding.

We are excited for a fun year with the troop!
See you tomorrow

-Pam, Shawn and Susan

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