Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Computer & Math Workshop Registration Deadline is Friday, Oct. 5

Hi Brownie troop 2082-

Each year Framingham Girl Scouts have a town wide workshop open to all troops ( in the past they have had a health and wellness one and a science one). All three leaders are planning on attending. Like the bowling last year, the activity fills up quickly. If your daughter is interested in attending please let me know ASAP- preferably by Friday- so we can give our troop count. The fee will be deducted from their individual brownie account. They will earn a patch and fulfill requirements towards a badge.
You can just reply back to me - or call 508-877-3436. Since all 3 leaders are attending, kids can be dropped off. I believe ( but will check) parents, or a
limited number can stay if they wish.

Girl Scout Computer & Math Workshop
Sponsored by the Town of Framingham Girl Scouts

Place: St. Bridget School Hall, 832 Worcester Road (Rte 9) Eastbound, Framingham , MA
Date: Sunday, October 21, 2007
Time: 1:30-4:30pm
Who: Daisy, Brownie, and Junior levels
Cost: $5.00 per Brownie and Junior (covers cost of Patch, supplies, and use of computer lab)
$2.50 per Daisy (covers cost of Patch and supplies) – they can try the Brownie Math activities
Adults are free
Contact Person:
for the event: Mary Ann Sager at 508-872-4989 or
We are fortunate to be allowed the use of the computer lab at St Bridget School for the program. Their computer specialist, Jennifer Trombino, will teach the computer program!

Badge Workshops: (girls will have the opportunity to meet requirements for 2 badges at their level – once earned; badges may be purchased separately at the Girl Scout store)

Brownie = “Computer Smarts” and “Math Fun”
Junior = “Computer Fun” and “Math Whiz”

Participation Patch: all girls attending will receive a patch (style TBD)

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