In the circle, each Brownie told the others about the 5 things about themselves on their hand. (Leaders also explained to the Troop, that by tracing their hand, they were starting to earn their first TRY-IT.)
After Brownie Circle, the troop had snack; while listening to the The Brownie Story.
The girls learned that Brownies are "helpful elves."
The girls were then asked what it means to be helpful and several gave examples of how they have been helpful at home or at school.
After snack & storytime, the girls worked on tasks to complete their first TRY-IT.
They all enjoyed playing a game called "Body Volley" with balloons. Facing their partner they had to try to keep a balloon in the air using only the body part called out by a leader. For example, hands, elbow, knees, etc. Afterwards, the girls took turns calling out body parts while playing.
Following the Body Volley game, the girls learned about how their muscles work. Each girl was partnered with another Brownie. One girl kept her arms straight down by her side. While that girl tried to lift her arms up, her partner held her arms down. After counting to 20, the girls stopped holding their partner's arms and learned that muscles would continue to work on a process even after a process had stopped (The girls arms involuntarily were rising.)
Then, the Brownies had a discussion about how to take care of themselves. Some of the girls suggested eating healthy, exercising, brushing hair, brushing teeth, taking a shower etc. From there, the troop played a game of exercise. A leader would call out a type of exercise (galloping, hopping, frog jumping, crab crawling, etc) and the girls would do it. Later, the girls were asked to create their own type of exercise to call out. One example, was Jumping Jacks.
Finally, the girls returned to the Brownie Circle where we participated in a Friendship Circle and did the Friendship Squeeze. Just before the meeting ended, each girl was given her Brownie vest and several patches. (To learn where to put each patch, visit http://brownie2082.blogspot.com/2007/10/brownie-uniform.html)
Below are a few photos from our first meeting. We are putting a photo of each girl and her personalized handprint in a troop scrapbook.
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