Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Optional Council Event: Green Scene Workshop

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Council is offering a special Green Scene workshop for Brownies in grades 2 or 3 on Saturday, March 14 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

GREEN SCENE: How big is your footprint? Discover your impact on the earth and the animals around you. Work with other Brownies to decide how you can make the world a better place!

The event takes place at the Belmont United Methodist Church, 421 Common Street.

The cost is $8 per Brownie and $0 leader/adult.

There is no leader attending this event at this time. This is not a drop-off and pick-up event. If you register your daughter, you or a guardian will need to attend with her.

For additional information and to register visit:


If you register your daughter, please e-mail a leader so they can answer questions, if Council contacts them.


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