Friday, March 5, 2010

OPTIONAL: Girl Scout Night at CATS on April 15


Broadway in Boston is holding a Girl Scout Night for CATS on Thursday, April 15 at the Colonial Theatre. Curtains rise at 7:30 p.m.

**Tickets are $27. (They are in the balcony).

The Brownie will be eligible for a Broadway Across America Patch for the back of their vest by attending the CATS show, participating in a pre-show event, a Colonial Theatre tour, and a group Girl Scout photo that night.
The pre-show event is a special meeting with the Animal Rescue League of Boston. scouts will talk about ways you can help care for your pet and get involved with the animal community in your own neighborhood.

Like the ballet program sent out earlier, this one is expected to fill up quickly.

PLEASE please let me know by Monday, March 8 if your daughter is interested; so I can decide if we can place an order. (There is the option with this event that individual Scouts can attend even if we don't have enough with the Troop (That is not always the case with most events).)

-- Susan

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