Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Troop 2082 Helps to Bring Thanksgiving to Hundreds

A dozen Brownies from Troop 2082 pitched in today to help bring a Thanksgiving meal tomorrow to hundreds of local families.
The Brownies helped in preparation of the annual Curtis Family Thanksgiving Dinner at the Fraternal Order of Eagles banquet hall in downtown Framingham. Last year, 1,200 meals, including 700 home-delivered, were served. The Curtis family and volunteers are expecting bigger numbers tomorrow at the buffet-style meals, which will be available from noon to 6 p.m. Anyone who is in need of a meal on Thanksgiving is welcome to stop by.
Today, Brownies from our Troop, along with other volunteers, spooned out 400 servings of cranberry sauce, packaged 400 rolls, pulled pounds and pounds of meat from 90 roast turkeys, cut and broke enough bread for home-made stuffing for 90 turkeys, peeled 400 pounds of carrots, bagged 800 cookies, and sliced and packaged 70 pumpkin pies.
The Brownies also made another 100 homemade Thanksgiving cards. The Troop made 50 cards, during our November meetings.
Brownies who participated included: Ayushi, Becky, Bella, Emily S, Erin, Jessica, Kelly, Madison, Sagan, Sasha, Sydney, and Talia.
Thanks to leader Pam, who organized the event.
Thanks also to the parents of the Brownies, who helped out this afternoon, too -- Michelle, Cindi, Theresa, and Matthew.
Below are a few photos from today's community service project:

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