Monday, November 23, 2009

Meeting Summary: Brownies Try Their Hand at Needlepoint

The Brownies in Troop 2082 started out today's meeting working on Thanksgiving cards, as part of a community service project.
Afterwards, the girls had snack.
Then, the Troop gathered into its Brownie Circle.
Sydney led the Brownies in the Girl Scout Promise.
Ayushi led the Brownies in reading the Girl Scout Law.
Then, Leader Pam talked to the Troop about the optional service project on Wednesday at Eagles Hall in downtown Framingham.
Recently, a trio of girls in the Troop participated in a three optional Council Events and talked about the events in the Brownie Circle.
Bella showed the Brownies the Swim Safety participation patch she earned, and talked about the water program, which included swim strokes, synchronized swimming, and life vest training.
Talia showed the Brownies the Night Hike participation patch she earned, and talked about the activities and science experiments, including rubbing quartz stones, and chewing a wintergreen Lifesaver.
(Alyssa will talk about Girl Scout Night at the Worcester Sharks at a future meeting.)
After the Brownie Circle, the girls began work on a snowflake stitching (needlepoint) kit as part of their Stitch It Together Try-It work.
Several of the Brownies found this activity challenging. (The activity is geared for girls ages 8+).
As we progressed with the project, it was determined that the girls should stitch through the photo of the completed project, so not to count squares.
The Brownies were asked to complete the program at home. It was suggested that a parent or guardian take a Sharpie marker and outline the areas for the blue yard to help the child complete the project at home.
While some of the girls struggled with the activity, we thought the activity showed the Brownies what it was like for girls in Victorian and earlier historic eras, without electronics and video games. That typically, girls in those times, stitched or did needlepoint to occupy their time.
After clean-up, the Brownies joined in a Circle and Sarah started the Friendship Squeeze.
Below are a few photos from today's meeting:

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