Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Meeting Summary: Penny Power and Learning About Money

At Monday's meeting, the Brownies began work on the Penny Power Try-It badge.
Before starting work on the badge, the new girls who joined the Troop, this year, were presented with their World Trefoil Pin.
Presented with the pin were: Ayushi, Alyssa, Erin, Tovah, Sagan, & Sasha.
Ask your daughter to tell you some of the symbolism behind the pin.
(Hint: ask her about the sun, sky & stars)
As the Troop began working on the Penny Power Try-It, we talked about money.
What does money look like?
Why there are different designs for coins and bills?
We talked about counterfeit money.
We discussed who is pictured on money.
Then, we had a discussion about earning money. We talked about our cookie sale.
As a Troop of 16 Brownies, the girls sold about 700 boxes.
At the two cookie booth sales, they sold about another 600 boxes of cookies.
We did a little math too. The girls figured out at $4 a box how much money was collected. Then, they tried to figure out how much money the Troop earned, if the Troop keeps 60 cents for each box sold.
After a discussion of cookie sales in the Brownie Circle, we then began some fun money/finance activities as part of the Try-It requirements.
The Brownies played a game similar to one found on the game show The Price is Right.
Two objects were placed in front of them and the Brownies guessed which item was more expensive.
(Surprisingly, a majority of the Troop thought a Magic Treehouse paperback book cost more than a hardcover book.) We explained that typically hard cover books cost more money.
The Brownies did better when it came to a battle between Barbie and a Webkinz (Barbie costs less.)
The Brownies also thought that a can of Progresso Soup cost more than a box of cereal.
Afterwards, groups of 3 0r 4 girls were shown an object (Game of Clue Jr., a Gymboree top, a pair of kids shoes, a video game cartridge, etc..) and had to try to guess what it cost.
The girls will finish work on the Penny Power Try-It at the next meeting.
In the final Brownie Circle of the meeting, we reminded the girls of the importance of wearing their vest and Brownie uniform to Thursday's field trip to the Girl Scout Museum and about an optional activity -- Alice in Wonderland ballet and post-performance tea party.
Then the girls did the Friendship Squeeze and Girl Scout Out.

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