Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Optional Event: Girl Scout Sunday March 8 & March 15

St. Bridget Church and St. George's Church will both host Girl Scout Sunday in March.
This is an optional event for girls in our Brownie Troop.
Below are all the details on both events.
If your daughter is interested in attending, please contact a Troop leader so they can let the organizers know.

Sunday, March 8: 9 a.m. St. Bridget Church (downstairs)
Details: All Girl Scouts, Leaders, and their families are invited to join St. Bridget Parish as we celebrate Girl Scout Sunday. Everyone is encouraged to wear their uniforms and sit together in the reserved pews near the front of the church. It is recommended that the girls arrive by 8:45 a.m. to be seated in the reserved area. It is encouraged to have Safety wise adults sit with the girls in the reserved section. As a reminder we are there representing the Town of Framingham Girl Scouts and are guests to the church, please help keep the girls quiet before, during and after the Mass. Please let a Troop leader know if your daughter is interested in: participating in the Mass as readers, altar servers, gift bearers, or door greeters.
* Final decision for helpers will be made on Feb. 28th
Note: Since this will be a family event an Activity Application Form for the town will NOT be completed. Feel free to complete the form for your troop if you wish.

George's Church in Framingham for 10:30 a.m. upstairs.
10:30 a.m. upstairs church with refreshments to follow in the meeting hall downstairs The girls will be invited after Communion to sing together This Little Light of Mine.
Volunteers are needed to set up the refreshments, we would like each troop to bring either a beverage or baked good for everyone to share. We need a Reader (can be a mom/dad and daughter?) Greeter's for before Mass and After to welcome to the Meeting Hall. This is a family event but organizers would love it if the girls and the leaders would sit together in assigned seating! Please remember to wear your sash or vest to this event!

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