Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Disney On Ice Show - UPDATE

Disney on Ice Worlds of Fantasy Show is Saturday night, Feb. 14 at 7 p.m.
Just learned, there is a special pre-show at 6 p.m. that girls can try on some of the ice show costumes. (For those who attended the Circus GS event -- it is similar to that)

Tickets are in Loge 5 (sorry, don't know rows)
I'm told these are $35 tickets for $17.
I hope to be able to distribute the tickets to everyone at our first TROOP meeting in February.
Patches will be given out the night of the ice show.

Girls from Troop 72082 attending include: Madison, Bella, Talia, Tovah, Alyssa, & Erin.
Again please have cash or a check (made out to Susan Petroni) for me at Monday's meeting (January 12)
E-mail with any questions at spetroni@rcn.com.

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