Monday, December 28, 2009
Girl Scout Cookies Available Today!!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Safari & Carolling Patches
The Council store is closed until January 2010.
We hope to have the patches for the girls by our first meeting in January.
The cost of the patches will be deducted from each of the individual Brownies' accounts.
-- Susan
Friday, December 18, 2009
Final Brownie Meeting of 2009 is Monday
The girls will be icing and decorating mini cakes as part of a requirement to earn the Baking Try-It. The girls don't need to wear their vests.
Monday, December 7, 2009
See Fellow Brownie in a Performance of Hairspray on Monday, Dec. 14
As the Brownies are working on a theatre Try-It, and as they will know Emily, I am posting this information on this FREE Hairspray performance.
***This is an OPTIONAL event. Girls can attend with their families.
Hairspray is Monday 12/14 at 5:30 p.m. at PAC. (The red door of the Danforth Museum in downtown Framingham). There is no Brownie meeting that day! The show is FREE, but seats are expected to fill up quickly.
Emily's Mom said the theatre troupe split the parts so that it is fair to all.
Emily is Tracy in one scene, a newscaster in another and a gym teacher.
She is also in the chorus for the rest of the scenes."
Meeting Summary: Working on Theatre Try-It & Discussion on Optional Activities
Sarah recited the Girl Scout Promise and Bella recited Girl Scout Law.
Then, the girls spent a good portion of the meeting talking about activities some of them have participated in outside of the Troop.
First, we discussed the Thanksgiving Service Project. Each girl told the group why they enjoyed helping out and which task they liked the best and the least. (Least favorites, depending on which Brownie, was peeling carrots or picking turkey meat.) The Brownies really enjoyed doing this service project and told the leaders they would like to do a service project in the spring.
Next, Alyssa talked to the Troop about Girl Scout Night with the Worcester Sharks with the Central & Western Massachusetts Girl Scouts.
Afterwards, we talked about the Framingham Girls Scouts sing-a-long at the Town Tree Lighting. The Brownies from our Troop discussed what they liked about the event and their favorite song to sing. (Rudolph was the top choice.) We also passed around a copy of the local daily newspaper, in which the girls were featured in from the event.
Next, the six Brownies who participated in the Council-sponsored Jungle Safari event yesterday talked about their favorite activities.
After discussion time, the girls were split into three groups and worked on saying 4 tongue twisters. This activity showed the Brownies the importance of pronunciation as an actor, and is one of the requirements to earn the Let's Pretend theatre Try-It.
Tongue twisters practiced included:
* Which Witch Wished for Which Wish?
* Sally sells sea shells on the sea shore
* Buy blue blueberry biscuits before bedtime
* Chester Cheetah chews a chunk of cheddar cheese.
Some of the Brownies shared other tongue twisters they knew and a few Brownies created an original tonguetwister with their name.
NEXT, each girl picked a slip of paper out of a bowl and then had to act out what was written on it, without using their voice. This acting (charades-like) activity, was another requirement of the Let's Pretend Try-It.
Many of the girls felt that the activity they pulled was going to be easy for the other Brownies to guess, but they found out their assumption was incorrect.
For example, one girl felt playing the piano would be too easy for the Brownies to guess. But the girls first guesses, were typing, on the computer, playing a video game...
The girls had fun with this activity.
The Brownies still have to complete two more requirements before earning the theatre Try-It.
The Troop ended the meeting with the Friendship Squeeze, started by Sasha. Followed, by 1-2-3, Girl Scout Out.
Our next meeting will be the Troop's holiday party on Monday, Dec. 22. The Brownies will be decorating mini-cakes (and eating them), as part of a requirement to earn a Baking Try-It.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
6 Brownies Participate in a Jungle Safari
Attending were Ayushi, Becky, Bella, Kelly, Sydney, & Talia.
The girls played animal Boggle, went on a nature scavenger hunt, fingerpainted animals, and created a frog mobile. Each girl, who participated, completed one of the keys of the Brownie Quest program. The Troop 2082 Brownies will also receive a participation patch for the back of their vest, at a later date.
Below are photos from today's event:
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Troop 2082 Brownies Featured in Local Newspaper

The five Brownies from our Troop, who participated in the holiday sing-a-long last night at Town Hall were also featured in today's metrowest daily news.
Caption: "Girl Scouts from Troop 2082 look to see Santa Claus as he makes his way through the crowd during last night's tree lighting ceremony at the Memorial Building in Framingham."
Friday, December 4, 2009
5 Brownies Participate in Holiday Sing-A-Long
(Participation patches for the 5 girls are on order.)
Below are a free photos from tonight's event:
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Holiday Sing-A-Long Details for Friday Night, Dec. 4th
Just received final details this morning for tomorrow's Girl Scout sing-a-long and holiday tree lighting at Town Hall with Santa Claus.
There are about 50 Girl Scouts from Framingham who are expected to be participating.
Please meet on the NEW Town Hall steps at 6 p.m.
Have the girls wear their Vest OVER their coat.
I will send a link later tonight, so if you choose, you can print off the song lyrics and bring with you.
This is NOT a drop off event. There will be more than 200-300 people at Town Hall tomorrow night.
An adult should stay -- however one parent can be responsible for 2-3 kids, if they choose.
The girls will start singing at 6:15 p.m.
They will sing until Santa arrives on his fire truck. (Expect 15-30 minutes of singing)
The girls MAY sing one song with Santa (depending on how on time or late he is.); and then the girls will stay on the steps with Santa as he lights the town christmas tree.
I will be coming from Hopkinton, so I may not get there until 6:10 p.m.
After the tree lighting, I would like to take a photo of the girls from the TROOP who participated.
After that everyone is on their own. INSIDE Town hall, there will be hot cocoa, coffee, treats and a performance by the all-elementary 5th grade school band, among other activities.
Please e-mail me to let me know if you daughter IS attending tomorrow, so I can provide an accurate count to the leader who is coordinating the event.
--Thanks for your patience in awaiting these details.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Troop 2082 Helps to Bring Thanksgiving to Hundreds
The Brownies helped in preparation of the annual Curtis Family Thanksgiving Dinner at the Fraternal Order of Eagles banquet hall in downtown Framingham. Last year, 1,200 meals, including 700 home-delivered, were served. The Curtis family and volunteers are expecting bigger numbers tomorrow at the buffet-style meals, which will be available from noon to 6 p.m. Anyone who is in need of a meal on Thanksgiving is welcome to stop by.
Today, Brownies from our Troop, along with other volunteers, spooned out 400 servings of cranberry sauce, packaged 400 rolls, pulled pounds and pounds of meat from 90 roast turkeys, cut and broke enough bread for home-made stuffing for 90 turkeys, peeled 400 pounds of carrots, bagged 800 cookies, and sliced and packaged 70 pumpkin pies.
The Brownies also made another 100 homemade Thanksgiving cards. The Troop made 50 cards, during our November meetings.
Brownies who participated included: Ayushi, Becky, Bella, Emily S, Erin, Jessica, Kelly, Madison, Sagan, Sasha, Sydney, and Talia.
Thanks to leader Pam, who organized the event.
Thanks also to the parents of the Brownies, who helped out this afternoon, too -- Michelle, Cindi, Theresa, and Matthew.
Below are a few photos from today's community service project:
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Service Project -- Directions
Here are directions:
Take Union st. toward downtown and make a
Right onto Proctor
Left on to Pearl
Left on to Park St.
The Hall is on the left and there is a small parking lot before it.
My cell if you get lost is 508-877-3436.
Both Susan and I will be there.
You are free to either drop the girls off of stay and help out.
The more the merrier!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Meeting Summary: Brownies Try Their Hand at Needlepoint
Afterwards, the girls had snack.
Then, the Troop gathered into its Brownie Circle.
Sydney led the Brownies in the Girl Scout Promise.
Ayushi led the Brownies in reading the Girl Scout Law.
Then, Leader Pam talked to the Troop about the optional service project on Wednesday at Eagles Hall in downtown Framingham.
Recently, a trio of girls in the Troop participated in a three optional Council Events and talked about the events in the Brownie Circle.
Bella showed the Brownies the Swim Safety participation patch she earned, and talked about the water program, which included swim strokes, synchronized swimming, and life vest training.
Talia showed the Brownies the Night Hike participation patch she earned, and talked about the activities and science experiments, including rubbing quartz stones, and chewing a wintergreen Lifesaver.
(Alyssa will talk about Girl Scout Night at the Worcester Sharks at a future meeting.)
After the Brownie Circle, the girls began work on a snowflake stitching (needlepoint) kit as part of their Stitch It Together Try-It work.
Several of the Brownies found this activity challenging. (The activity is geared for girls ages 8+).
As we progressed with the project, it was determined that the girls should stitch through the photo of the completed project, so not to count squares.
The Brownies were asked to complete the program at home. It was suggested that a parent or guardian take a Sharpie marker and outline the areas for the blue yard to help the child complete the project at home.
While some of the girls struggled with the activity, we thought the activity showed the Brownies what it was like for girls in Victorian and earlier historic eras, without electronics and video games. That typically, girls in those times, stitched or did needlepoint to occupy their time.
After clean-up, the Brownies joined in a Circle and Sarah started the Friendship Squeeze.
Below are a few photos from today's meeting:
Friday, November 20, 2009
Optional Lowell Devils Teddy Bear Toss, Hockey Game, & PubliC Skating Event on Sunday, Dec. 6
Lowell Devils Teddy Bear Toss: Enjoy the Lowell Devils Hockey Game and do a good deed. Bring a new or gently used teddy bear and toss it onto the ice during intermission. The teddy bears will be given to children’s organizations. After the game, stay for some exclusive Girl Scouts and Family time, for a public skate. A participation patch and skate rental included in the registration price. (Brownies who participate will also complete work on the ice skating Try-It badge)
The Lowell Devils play at Tsongas Arena, 300 Martin Luther King, Jr., Way, in Lowell.
Registration fee is $14 per Scout and $14 for each additional family member.
Scouts & family members may bring their own skates. Tsongas has a limited amount of skates for rental, which is included in the price; but no guarantee of your size.
Registration deadline is Sunday, Nov. 22!
To register, visit the Council Web site, and click on programs.
Today, Deadline to Register for Jungle Safari on 12/11 in Framingham
You can register your daughter individually, if interested.
There are many optional events, but this is so close to home, that you might be more inclined to take advantage of it.
I believe, Shawn may be going to the 12/ 5 one in Waltham.
Susan and Pam are attending the one in Framingham along with at least 6 Brownies from the Troop on 12/11.
Please let us know if any of your daughters are registered.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Optional Holiday Sing-A-Long & Tree Lighting Event on Friday, Dec. 4 at 6 p.m.
The Framingham Girl Scouts Service Unit, is trying to see if enough Troops are interested in participating. If your Brownie would like to participate in this OPTIONAL EVENT, please e-mail a leader or let a leader know at Monday's meeting on Nov. 23.
In previous years, Troop 72082 Brownies Becky, Bella, Emily D. & Kelly have participated and received a patch for the back of their Brownie Vest.
Typically, after the Scouts sing and Santa lights the Christmas Tree, families & Scouts are invited insider Town Hall for hot cocoa & treats and to listen to the all-elementary school band.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Optional Service Project for Brownies on Nov. 25 from 1 to 3 p.m.
We realize that some of you may be heading out of town right after the noon early release, but we are hoping a number of you who are around will be available to help out. (It is also might give you all two extra hours for holiday preparation!) My older daughter's Troop participated for 2 years and got a lot out of it.
The Curtis family of Framingham organizes a Thanksgiving dinner at the Fraternal Order of Eagles banquet hall (55 Park St.-directions to follow).
Our Troop would be volunteering, along with others, the day before to help with the preparations. We may peel pounds of carrots, bag bread and butter, set tables and also have make Thanksgiving Day cards to go with home delivered meals. (Our Troop has already made cards during our most recent meeting.)
This year we will be helping out again on Wednesday Nov. 25th from 1-3 pm.
Pam (and at least one of the other leaders) will be attending.
Other parents are welcome to help if they wish.
Please let me know if you daughter plans to attend. I will have a permission slip for you to sign at next Monday's meeting (and will send one home with girls whose parent's don't do pick up/drop off.) Please let me know if you have any questions. The info. below gives a bit more information. -Pam
Next Meeting: Monday, Nov 23
There are 16 girls in the Troop.
Snack moms should send in either a drink (with cups) or drink boxes plus a "safe" snack for all 16 girls.
A list of who is responsible for each meeting's snack can be found on this Web site, on the right hand side.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Optional Event: Jungle Safari
We think this would be a great OPTIONAL event for your daughter.
Details are below.
*Sunday DECEMBER 6th at Camp Cedar Hill in Waltham starting at 1 p.m.
*Friday, DECEMBER. 11th at First Parish Church in Framingham at 6 p.m.
Cost is $10 per Brownie.
We are recommending this event, first because it is a Eastern Massachusetts Council event in Framingham and #2 a leader will likely be attending each event (Dec. 6th – Shawn) and Dec. 11th (Susan and possibly Pam).
NOTE: Three Brownies from our Troop are already registered for Dec. 11.
Event description: Put on your safari hats and get ready to explore the world! Can you handle going to Africa? What about Costa Rica? Go from country to country, greeting the wildlife and the people. Enjoy music and crafts from around the world! Adults and leaders are free but are expected to help. This is a non-patch event.
These events are expected to fill up quickly.
Registration deadline is once the spots are filled or Nov. 20.
Dec 6th registration:
Dec 11th registration:
If you are looking for additional optional events for your daughter to attend, visit this Web site or visit the Framingham Girl Scout Web site at
Two Brownies attend Girl Scout Night at the Worcester Sharks
Below are a few photos from yesterday's event:
Friday, November 13, 2009
Two Brownies Earn Night Hike Patch
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Meeting Summary: Brownies Learns How To Sew A Button
Yesterday, the Brownies started the meeting by making Thanksgiving card, for those less fortunate. It is part of a service project. The Troop was told of an optional service project on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. (An e-mail will be sent to parents with more details.)
After snack of lemonade and pretzels, the Brownies joined in a Circle.
Kelly read the Promise and Jessica read the Girl Scout Law.
Next, leader Susan Petroni talked to the girls about an optional event in December -- a Jungle Safari, offered by Council. (A letter went home with each Brownie.) She also showed the Brownies the roller skating participation patch, which 14 of the girls earned, and took home yesterday. (It should go on the back of the vest.)
Afterwards, leader Shawn Granoff talked to the girls about sewing. She passed around doll, clothing, and costume patterns. We talked about basic sewing techniques and then she explained that each Brownie would be sewing a button on to a square of fabric, as part of the requirement to earn the Stitch It Together Try-It. This is one of the 3 Try-Its the Brownies voted they wanted to earn this year.
Unfortunately, we ran out of time to work on a second requirement of the Stitch It Together Try-It or to work on the tongue twisters, as part of the Let's Pretend Try-It, another of the three Try-Its the Troop voted to earn before they moved on to Junior Girl Scouts.
After cleaning up, the Brownies joined in a Circle to do the Friendship Squeeze, started by Emily.
Our next meeting is Monday, Nov. 23.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Two Brownies Earn Swim Safety Patch

The two Brownies from our Troop along with 38 other Brownies, dove into 11 feet water, practiced swim techniques, learn to push off the wall, practiced how to dive, and learned a few synchronized swimming techniques.
The Brownies also watched a third grader and a team of swimmers perform synchronized swimming routines, before enjoying free swim time.
The girls, who completed the program, received a participation patch.
Below are a few photos from last weekend's event:
Monday, November 2, 2009
Roller Skating Night Photos
Below are 50-60 photos from the event.
To see them in full-view click on 'View all Images"
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Next Meeting, Monday, Nov. 9
When the leaders planned the schedule for the year, we decided not to meet on the
2nd since we had rollerskating on the 1st.
When people asked today, we realized that we had not sent out the Brownie schedule for the year. We apologize.
The Schedule for the year, can be found on the right hand side of this Web site. Next to each meeting, is the Brownie responsible for bring drink & snack to the meeting.
- Pam, Shawn, & Susan
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Roller Skating Event Tomorrow
We will be providing cupcake and drink.
Please have your daughter either eat something before or bring some money for snack bar if you wish( pizza, hotdogs, popcorn).
If you have your own skates or rollerblades, bring them.
Otherwise skate rental is $3. Please remember to bring signed permission slip.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Feel Free to Send Photos from the Math & Computer Workshop
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Lorax Event on Nov. 19 in Norton & Billerica
Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Council is offering a "Lorax Love" workshop for Brownies on this date in both Billerica and Norton from 4 to 6 p.m.
This is an optional event for Brownies in Troop 2082.
Event details: Get Smart. Love Dr. Seuss? Read The Lorax in an exciting new way! Create your own story about weird and wacky plants and animals and make your own portable greenhouse to take home.
Registration is closing very soon.
Registration is $7 per Scout. Leaders and adult chaperones are free.
Troops must follow safety-wise rules.
Individual Scouts may register, but must attend with an adult chaperone.
All adults attending are expected to help at the workshop.
If you register your daughter, please let a leader know as Council likely will contact the Troop leader of record with any issues or if any changes are made to the workshop.
It is unknown if there is a participation patch, for this workshop.
The Billerica Event is at the First Congregational Church at 18 Andover Street in Billerica.
Norton workshop location TBA
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Council Offering Night Hike on Nov. 12 in Waltham
Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Council is offering a Night Hikes that night at Camp Cedar Hill in Waltham from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
This would be an optional event for Brownies in Troop 2082.
Leader Susan Petroni is attending, with her daughter.
If your daughter is interested, contact her about possible carpooling.
Event details: Get Going. Explore the sights and sounds of the woods at night. Who can see what, in the dark? Find out what you can really sense when the Sun has set! Adults are expected to help.
This event is for Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts; and Juliette Scouts in grades 2-3-4-5.
The cost to attend is $8 per Scout.
Leaders and adult chaperones are free. (No siblings or non-Scouts may attend.)
Safety-wise rules apply for Troops.
Individual Scouts may register, but must attend with an adult.
If you register your daughter, please let a leader know; as Council may contact the leader of record if there are any concerns about registration or changes with the event.
All adults are expected to help at the hike.
Registration is closing very soon.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Girl Scout Night with the Sharks on Saturday, Nov. 14
This would be an optional event for Brownies in Troop 72082. I offer it up as an activity as at least a half dozen of the girls in our Troop expressed an interest in earning Ice Skating Try-It.
About the event: There is a pre-game skate from 4:45 - 5:45 p.m. Game time is 7:05 p.m.
Join the fun planned for Girl Scouts as we root on the Worcester Sharks on this special Girl Scout night!
Bring your skates and participate in the pregame skate and Hockey 101 before the game … for girls, their troops and their families!
Additional activities also include:
* Meet Finz the mascot
* Participate in hands-on activities like a touch-table to try out some of the hockey equipment and a shoot-out net to try your hand at a few shots!
* Troops are also encouraged to participate in the banner contest.
* Every Troop will be recognized on the SharksVision Scoreboard.
* Special Sharks participation patch (for back of the vest) for each ticket purchased!
Go Sharks!
If your daughter is interested in attending, please let one of the leaders know ASAP.
Cost is $10.50 per Scout and $10.50 per adult chaperone/troop leader and additional family members.
***Leader Susan is taking registration through Sunday, Nov. 1 (the night of roller skating).
Monday, October 19, 2009
Troop Begins Work on Baking Try-It
The 14 girls had snack (Erin brought rice treats and apple slices).
Then we joined in a Brownie Circle.
Alyssa led the Troop in the Girl Scout Law.
Sagan led the group in the Girl Scout Promise.
In the Circle we talked about what is needed to complete the Try-It.
1) Making Candy
2) Following a recipe, measuring ingredients, and making a cookie dough.
3) Touring a Bakery
4) Learning how to decorate a cake using 4 tips
(The Troop needs to complete 4 out of 8 possible items to earn the Try-It.)
We showed the girls a couple of Wilton cake decorating yearbooks to show them how they can use tips to decorate cakes.
We, the leaders, explained to the Troop, that today we were going to make:
* Chocolate Girl Scout lollipops with melted chocolate candy melts
* Chocolate shapes with melted chocolate candy melts
* Oatmeal cookie dough
Each Brownie left the meeting today with a bag of the cookie dough and the recipe, so they can bake the cookies at home today or tomorrow. The dough should be refrigerated tonight and should last 24-48 hours.
*** Below are a few photos from today's meeting!
After the meeting, the girls joined in a Brownie Circle and talked about what they learned today.
Finally, Tovah? started the girls in a Friendship Squeeze and then played 1-2-3-Girl-Scout-Out.
*The Troop's next outing is the Framingham Girl Scouts Roller Skating event on Nov. 1. Parents will be asked to sign a permission slip (which will be e-mailed) and give to the carpool mom/leader that night.
* Our next meeting is Monday, Nov. 9.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
NEXT Meeting, Monday, Oct. 19
We have a Brownie meeting Monday at 4:15-5:30 at our new location, Plymouth Church on Edgell Rd.
Please let us know if you daughter will be attending the rollerskating party on Nov. 1st
Deadline for Roller Skating Party is Monday
It is time for the annual Framingham Rollerskating Party.
Please let us know by Monday's meeting or earler if your daughter plans to attend. We will deduct the admission fee from her account.
We will be carpooling to this event. The three leaders plus one other parent who is a registered Girl Scout will attend.
As is the case with this event each year only registered Girl Scouts may attend, so siblings may only come if they are registered.
Details below:
Framingham Girl Scouts are celebrating with a Roller Skating party!
DATE: Sunday, November 1st
TIME: 5:30-7:30pm
WHERE: Roller Kingdom, Hudson --- 978-562-3440
Come join your fellow Framingham Girl Scouts as we share cupcakes and sing 'Happy Birthday' to Juliette!
Cost: $5 each (participation patch included) We will deduct this from your daughter's individual account
($3 additional for skates --- pay this at the door or bring your own)
Confirm by e=mail over the weekend or at the meting Monday Oct. 19, deadline is firm as we have to register the troop by that date
The troop will be bringing a plate of cupcakesto share, please DO NOT bring any other food or drinks. It is not allowed!
Additional cost for pizza, hot dogs, drinks, and snacks at the counter which is available for those who are interested."
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Optional Girl Scout Events for Your Daughter
* Our Council (Eastern Massachusetts) as well as the Central & Western Massachusetts Girl Scout Council offers activities and special events, including overnights, for Brownies (and other scout levels).
* Brownies may register with their Troop or they may register as an individual Scout, as long as a parent or adult chaperone attends with them.
***Please let a leader know if you have registered your daughter for ANY event, as Council may contact the Troop leader of record, with any issues or questions.
For a listing of current optional events, visit the Framingham Girl Scouts Web site at
This site is updated often, so feel free to check weekly, or sign up for the e-mails each time a new listing is posted with the newsletter option, on the upper right hand corner of the Web site.
Friday, October 9, 2009
First Lady Michelle Obama & Girl Scouts
To read more visit:
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The cost is $5 per Girl Scout (Siblings and non Scouts can NOT attend).
Other Scouts (daisy through Ambassador level) from Framingham will also be attending.
Skates - quads and inline -- may be rented that night for an additional fee of $3.
Leaders & adult chaperones are free.
Chaperones are limited to safety-wise rules. Parents interested in attending or carpooling should contact a leader. Parents MUST BE registered as an adult volunteer to carpool or chaperone.
The registration deadline is Monday, Oct. 19 (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Checks should be made out to Framingham Girl Scouts.
The Troop will bring either a cake or cupcakes to celebrate Girl Scout founder Low's birthday. No other food or drink can be brought into Roller Kingdom. The place does sell pizza, hot dogs, snacks, & drinks. Brownies may bring some cash for food & drink.
This year's workshop will be held on Sunday, Oct. 25 from 2 to 4 p.m. at St. Bridget School Hall at 832 Worcester Road (Route 9 eastbound).
Registration deadline is Tuesday, Oct. 20 or when the 80 slots are filled!
Cost is $6 per Brownie. (The cost covers supplies, use of computer lab, and a participation patch for the back of the vest.) The 2 Try-It patches are NOT included in the cost.
As no leader from Troop 2082 will be attending the workshop, a parent or a guardian must attend with your daughter. There is no fee for adults/leaders.
This event is for Daisy, Brownie, & Junior Scouts in Framingham.
No registration will take place at the door. No walk-ins.
Keep in mind, previous town programs have sold-out before the registration deadline.
NO FOOD can be brought into the hall. Girls are free to bring their own water bottle.
Any Brownie from Troop 2082 interested in attending should contact a leader ASAP.
We can deduct the $6 fee from their activity fund.
MEETING SUMMARY: Troop Votes on Try-its to Complete in Their Final Brownie Year
The 15 Brownies started the meeting working on a Girl Scout Word Search.
After snack, the girls gathered in a Brownie Circle.
Madison led the group in the Girl Scout Law.
Becky led the Troop in a reading of the Girl Scout Promise.
Once inside the Circle we talked about upcoming events the Brownies could attend -- including a Math & Computer Workshop and the annual Roller Skating night. We also talked about the fact that this will be the girls last year as a Brownie. (If they continue with Scouting as 4th graders they will be Junior Scouts.) Alyssa showed the Troop her mom's Junior Girl Scout handbook and showed them some of the badges they could earn. Junior badges are shaped in a circle, compared to Brownie Try-Its which are shaped as a triangle.
Next, the leaders went over a list of 15 possible Try-Its the girls could work on in their final year. They were instructed to listen to a brief description of each, and then put an X next to the Try-its they were interested in. After listening to all the description, each Brownie then voted on the 3 they most wished to do. The Troop were told that the top 3 Try-Its voted on my the 15 girls would be completed in their final year - the others COULD be completed - but no promises made.
The Try-Its voted on were:
1) Theatre - 3 possible Try-Its
2) Healthy Habits
3) Baking
4) Art to Wear or Fashion
5) Science Wonders
6) Earth & Sky or Space Explorer
7) Caring & Sharing
8) Brownie Scouts Around the World
9) Ponies & Horses - 3 possible Try-Its
10) Hobbies
11) Stitch It Together
12) Watching Wildlife
13) Bicycling
14) Ice Skating
15) Computers - Point, Click & Go
After the Votes were tallies, the top votegetters were:
* Baking - 9 votes
* Stitch It Together - 8 votes
* Let's Pretend - 6 votes
Tied with 5 votes -- both Horses & Ice Skating
While the votes were being tabulated, the Brownies made an Poem based on the letters B-R-O-W-N-I-E.
The girls gathered into a Brownie Circle again, and they tried to guess based on the poem, who was the author. It was a great way to get to know each girl as an individual.
The girls then did a Friendship squeeze, started by Emily D.
Then, the finished the meeting playing the Girl Scout Out game.
As the Brownies left the meeting, each was given their Early Bird registration patch. (The patch should go on the BACK of their vest).
Saturday, October 3, 2009
NEW MEETING LOCATION - Next Meeting, Monday, Oct. 5th
We will be having our first official Browie meeting Monday Oct. 5th from 4:15 -5:30pm,
Take the driveway on the left of the church and follow it around back to the far side which is facing the preschool. The office door is under the overhang. Follow the stairs down and go down the hall and make a left down the hallway. We will be meeting in the last door on the right. The reason for our move is that we were out growing the room we were in and its lack of carpeting made it very loud.
My cell phone( in case anyone gets lost the first time) is 508-740-2115.
The door will usually be open for drop off and pick up.
We will be handing out a meeting schedule for the year and finishing up snack assignments.
Looking forward to seeing all the girls!
-Pam, Shawn and Susan
Sunday, September 13, 2009
FREE, OPTIONAL Soccer Event at Harvard University
Game time is 11 a.m.
This an OPTIONAL event for Brownie Troop 2082.
Highlights of the event include: Girl Scout registration, on field activities, autograph sessions with the athletes, and more.
Brownies interested in attending, should contact one of the tri-leaders or call the Eastern Massachusetts Girl Scout Council at 774-766-6918 and ask for Ms. Souza.
(Brownies interested in soccer may want to also check out Girl Scout Night at the New England Revolution, also on Sept. 26, at: )
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
OPTIONAL EVENT: Night at the Circus - Oct. 16th
THIS IS AN OPTIONAL EVENT for Brownies in Troop 2082 and unlike last year, tickets are in the LOGE level and not in the "nosebleed seats."
Over the Top is an all-new wacky and whimsical circus spectacular where dogs fly, Asian elephants stomp, hop and groove, and one courageous man stands eye-to-eye with a pack of powerful Bengal tigers. Extraordinary aerial acts fill the arena sky with a rare double-decker trapeze and Chinese acrobats propelling through the air.
*Come one hour before show time to explore the arena floor, meet the performers and animals up close, collect autographs from the stars and try on glittering costumes.
* Families Welcome to attend this special event at Girl Scout group rate prices - $18 per person.
* 6 p.m. pre-show and 7 p.m. circus.
* Tickets must be picked-up at a GSEM Service Center in Waltham, unless a leader is attending this event.
*** If your family is interested in attending, please let a leader know. The event could sell out. The registration deadline is Monday, Sept 28, or when tickets sell-out.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Registration for Next Year of Brownies/Cookie Credits
Also, if anyone has their cookie credit from last year (green piece of paper that they got after the cookie sale) and doesn't plan to use it ( it expires at the end of June), you can bring it on Monday and the Troop can use it to help purchase patches.
Lastly, we will be handing out registration forms for next year.
Registering early helps things go smoother with the troop and girls registered by the beginning of June will receive an early bird patch.
If your daughter knows she will be re-registering, you can bring in a check for $12 (It went up $2 -- the first time in years) made out to "GSEM"
We will collect registration forms and checks again at the museum of science field trip in June.
(Please check the forms, as some of the birth dates are wrong. All contact information needs to be filled in and the forms needs to be signed by a legal guardian.)
See you all at the bank.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Troop 2082: Field Trip to Bank on Monday
We will be given a tour of the bank, including the vault and speak with 2 bank managers. One who is a former girl scout will talk about saving money and each Brownie will get a special surprise. We will have snack in the park next to the bank.
We will meet at our usual time ( 4:15) in the parking lot of the TD bank on Route 126, downtown (address is 74 Concord St.) across from where fabric place used to be.
Pick up will be at the usual time- 5:30.
My cell if you need to contact us that day is 508-740-2115.
Sagan is the snack person of the day.
See you then!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Is Your Daughter Interested in Camping Outdoors? Let a Leader Know by May 1
Framingham Girl Scouts have asked that leaders let them know their Troop's interest and estimated number of girls who may attend by this Friday, May 1.
The trip would likely begin on Friday night and end on Sunday afternoon. Girls will have the opportunity of arriving on Saturday and camping just one night. Most likely the girls would be camping in platform (floor) tents outside. (There is a slight possibility they could camp inside a lodge.)
As this is an official Girl Scout event, we have to follow safety rules and thus most likely no more than 2 adults would be allowed to stay overnight along with the tri-leaders.
The dates Framingham Scouts are looking at are: Sept. 11-12-13 or Sept. 25-26-27
Note: The Jewish holiday does not begin until sundown on the 27th
If you think your daughter is interested, please e-mail a leader ASAP. This is not a commitment to attend but a way for Framingham Scouts to plan.
It will also help them select a set of dates.
Final section of camping dates in September likely will be determined by Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Council.
**Official sign-ups would be at a later date.
Thus far, we know there are a handful of Brownies who would like to participate.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Brownie Troop 2082 Rules
Citizens Near & Far Try-It, the Brownies created Troop 2082 Rules.
The Rules are:
* One person talks at a time
* Listen when someone is talking
* Raise hand when want to speak
* Wear Brownie vest
* Make new friends - Don't always sit with the same girls
* Hands to yourself
* Stay in your own space
* Keep self and area clean
* Don't tease anyone
* Be well behaved - no silliness or funnies
* Respect everyone
* Be polite
We will try to post these rules for the girls at each meeting. They always have the option to add new rules.
Meeting summary - Exploring Nature, Embracing Differences, and Creating Rules
During snack, Bella talked to the Brownies about attending a Council Movers Try-It workshop before school vacation. She showed the girls her flyer/glider she made and told them about creating and flying a paper helicopter and making a wind sock.
Also during snack, the girls reviewed the Try-It badges. As there are more than 60 possible Try-Its badges Brownies can earn, we asked the girls to identify a Try-It they wished to earn before they bridge from Brownies at the end of third grade. The girls when they made a decision wrote the name of the Try-It they wish to earn individually on a poster sheet. Before the end of the second year, we will provide parents will information on how their daughter can earn that Try-It over the summer by completing four requirements and completing a Try-It worksheet.
After snack, we joined in a Brownie Circle. The girls recited the Promise & Law.
Then, we talked about upcoming events, including a potential fall overnight camping trip outside.
Then, as a group we made Troop 2082 rules. (I'll post the Troop rules on this Web site later this week.) This was one of the requirements of the Citizens Near & Far Try-It.
Post creating rules, leader Pam led the girls in a discussion on getting along with people who are different than us. This was part of the Citizens Near & Far Try-It. In a group, we talked about situations that involve differences. The girls shared experiences in which they were treated unfairly - based on the color of the their skin, wearing glasses, or for no reason at all. We talked about how to react if the situations happens again to them or to a friend.
The girls have now earned 3 of the 4 requirements to complete the Citizens Near & Far Try-It.
*** After the two group activities, we then went outside and began work on the Eco-Explorer Try-It. The girls explorer nature in the area outside of the church. They tried to find both living and non living things in the natural environment. The girls found green leaves with insect holes, identified a ladybug, watched ants, discovered a feather, uncovered a spider web, and more.
Afterwards, the girls joined a Brownie Circle again for the Friendship Squeeze and to play Girl Scout Out.
Each girl was then given a photograph of them at the Girl Scout Museum Field Trip last month and a memo to parents about upcoming events and the possible fall camping overnight. Some girls were awarded a ballet patch for the back of their vest for attending an optional activity earlier this month.
NOTE: Parents if you have not signed a permission slip for the hike next Monday or the bank field trip please contact a leader. We need these signatures for your daughter to attend. We will post directions to the Framingham hike site later this week, along with information on what we will do in a downpour or thunderstorm.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Upcoming Events & Important Info for Parents
note: this was given to the Brownies at the end of today's meeting.
Upcoming dates:
* Monday, May 4: Brownie troop meeting – possible hike at the Boy Scout Trail in Framingham - weather pending. If not, meeting at our regular meeting site.
*Monday, May 18: Field Trip to TD BankNorth - Meet 4:15 p.m. in bank parking lot. Bank is located in downtown Framingham on Route 126.
* Saturday, June 6: Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Museum of Science Sleepover – More details to come. 15 of the 16 Brownies are attending. The event is sold out!
***DATE CHANGE!!! --- *Monday, June 15: End-of-the-year PARTY and Dance party... (to complete the Dancercize Try-It)
FALL CAMPING: Framingham Girl Scouts is looking at holding a town-wide camping event in September. We need to let Framingham Girl Scouts know by this Friday, May 1 if our Troop is interested in participating. Please e-mail a leader ASAP to let us know if your daughter would be interested in the overnight camping experience. This event would follow safety wise rules so with a Troop of 16 girls we could only take two moms along with the three leaders camping. We would be camping with other Scouts from Framingham.
Dates Framingham Scouts are looking at are: Sept. 11-12-13 or Sept. 25-26-27
Note: The Jewish holiday does not begin until sundown on the 27th
Working on Individual Try-It Badges: Some of the Brownies in out Troop have been attending optional Council sponsored events and earning individual Try-It badges. Others will be attending camp this summer and earning individual Try-It badges.
At our last meeting the girls split into 2 groups and reviewed the book of Try-It badges.
As a Brownie there are more than 60 Try-Its they can earn.
We will never work on all 60+ so they girls voted on a Try-It they wish to earn in their final year (Third grade Brownies) – Let’s Pretend.
We realize that each girl has her own interests and they were asked to pick out a Try-It badge they would like to earn before they complete Brownies. THIS IS OPTIONAL but we can provide you with the information and requirements for your daughters’ badge along with a worksheet to complete this summer. At a meeting in the fall, the girls can present their projects and will be awarded their individual Try-It.
***Finally, all information on Optional Try-It badge workshops, optional activities and events, can be found on the Troop Web site at
Even more activities are available on the Framingham Girl Scout Web site at
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Meeting Summary: Going Shopping, Playing Instruments & Group Dynamics
At yesterday's meeting, we spent a portion of the meeting talking about how to earn Try-Its.
Several Brownies from Troop 2082 have been earning Try-Its away from the Troop at workshops sponsored by both the Eastern Massachusetts and Central & Western Massachusetts Councils.
At yesterday's meeting, Talia presented musical instruments she made at a Council-sponsored workshop and a guitar and musical mobile she made outside the workshop to complete the requirements for the Sounds of Music Try-It.
Girls in the Troop got a chance to play with the homemade instruments.
After this presentation, the 11 girls present played pretend store and made change for customers as part of a requirement for the Penny Power Try-It.
The Troop will be going on a field trip to a TD Bank North branch in Framingham soon to complete the requirements of the Penny Power Try-It. Details will be coming.
Afterwards, the 11 girls at yesterday's meeting were split into 2 groups.
Each was given a Try-It Brownie book with a list of the 60+ Try-Its that could be earned.
The girls in each group were to review each Try-It and if the group unanimously agreed to the Try-It it went on a list of potential Troop Try-Its to complete. If just one girl in the group didn't vote for the Try-it, it didn't make the list.
This activity helped the girls understand the need to work cooperatively and to learn about all the potential Try-Its they could earn before they bridge from Brownies to Juniors at the end of Grade 3.
* Group A (Ayushi, Becky, Sarah, Sasha, & Sydney) agreed on 3 Try-Its unanimously. They were Around the World, Let's Pretend, and ?????.
* Group B (Alyssa, Bella, Emily S., Kelly, Talia, & Tovah) agreed on 6 Try-Its unanimously. They were Caring and Sharing, Sports and Games, Let's Pretend, Stitch It Together, Science Wonders, & Space explorer.
Both Group A & B selected the Let's Pretend Try-It unanimously and thus Troop 2082 will likely earn this as a group before the conclusion of Year 3 (2009-2010).
During the group exercise, each girl also kept an individual list of Try-Its she would like to earn, even if the Troop doesn't work on it.
At our next meeting, each Brownie will write one Try-It on a list that they would like to earn before they complete Brownies. If it is not a Troop Try-It, each Brownie will be given information on how they can complete the requirements on their own.
At the end of the meeting, the 12 Brownies who completed the Bowling Try-It were awarded their badge.
Our next scheduled meeting is Monday, April 27. Meetings are from 4;15 to 5:30.
Girls who miss parts of a meeting or an entire meeting may not earn that badge at year's end.
Below are a few photos from Yesterday's meeting. (FYI: Kelly is wearing the Brownie uniform Troop Leader Pam wore at her age.)
Monday, April 6, 2009
Four Brownies Attend Alice in Wonderland Ballet
Those who attended this optional event were Becky, Bella, Kelly (and her sister Kate), and Talia.
The girls attended a special Girl Scout pre-show in which they learned about dance, costumes, make-up, practice schedules, and everything else that goes into a ballet performance.
After, the ballet performance the Brownies got to meet cast members, get autographs, have photos taken with the dancers.
The girls and their families also were treated to a tea party completed with pastries and cookies shaped like card shapes like diamond, hearts, clover, etc...
Below are a few photos from yesterday's event.
Each Brownie will receive a ballet participation patch for the back of their vest (The cost will be deducted from their individual accounts.)
The four Brownies who attended the ballet yesterday along with the girls who attended the Nutcracker ballet in December have now earned the Dancercize Try-It. (The rest of the troop will need to participate in a dance party to earn the Try-It.)
Two Brownies Earn Birds Try-It With Central Massachusetts Scouts
The girls went on a nature hike to listen for and spot birds. They learned to identify and draw a bird like John Audubon. They learned about peaks and claws of different types of birds, and they made a bird feeder. The girls also learned about the early risin' birds and how to make their sounds.
Below are a few photos from the workshop.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Meeting Tomorrow - Monday, April 6th
Just a reminder. We will be having a regular Brownie meeting tomorrow- 4:15.
See you then!
Sagan has snack tomorrow (There will be 15 girls there tomorrow).
- Pam, Shawn, and Susan
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Big Apple Circus Event Likely To Be Cancelled
With less than 15 tickets to be purchased at this time, we don't qualify for the Scout discount.
The event will be cancelled, unless I hear from more Scouts by Friday, April 3.
No obligation, this is an optional event.
If you are interested in attending (all family members can attend at the $14 Scout price), e-mail me offline at
-- Susan Petroni
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday is Deadline to Sign up for Big Apple Circus
Please let me know NO LATER than Wednesday, April 1, if your daughter and family would like to attend and how many tickets.
Details are below:
On Friday, April 17 at the 6:30 p.m. Big Apple Circus show (this is the start of school vacation week), Brownies and their family members can get a discount ticket to the Circus at just $14 ($28 off the Mezzanine ticket price.)
THIS IS AN OPTIONAL EVENT FOR Brownies in Troop 2082.
A minimum of 15 tickets must be ordered to qualify for the $14 rate, so like the ballet event, I have opened this event up to other Framingham Girl Scouts.
***The Big Apple Circus also is offering a special Scout Meal/Patch(a minimum of 10 meals must be ordered at least by April 6 to qualify.) Cost is $7.50 per Scout (sibling) Adults do not qualify. Price includes a participation patch for the back of the vest, a hot dog, popcorn, and a juice pack. * Please e-mail me if your daughter and family would like to attend. I need to know how many tickets total and if you are interested in the meal/patch add-on.
For the best seats, tickets should be ordered ASAP, so I'd like to close registration by April 1st, if not sooner.
E-mail me with any questions.
---Tri-leader Susan Petroni
Earth is Your Home Try-It Cancelled
Program info:
Those registered will get a refund.
Please check this site or the Framingham Girl Scouts Web site (
for other OPTIONAL activities and Try-IT Workshops for your daughter...
If you have any questions about registration, please contact a leader.
If you register yoru daughter for an optional COUNCIL event, please let a leader know.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Girl Scout Day at Old Sturbridge Village
Some of the girls participated in Studio workshops for fun.
A couple Brownies participated in specific Brownie Studio workshops, which earned them Try-Its.
Check out the photos below:
Moms: Feel free to send me some of your photos, so I can add them to the slide show.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
OPTIONAL EVENT: Girl Scout Night at the Big Apple Circus on Friday Night, April 17th
On Friday, April 17 at the 6:30 p.m. show (this is the start of school vacation week), Brownies and their family members can get a discount ticket to the Circus at just $14 ($28 off the Mezzanine ticket price.)
THIS IS AN OPTIONAL EVENT FOR Brownies in Troop 2082.
A minimum of 15 tickets must be ordered to qualify for the $14 rate, so like the ballet event, I have opened this event up to other Framingham Girl Scouts.
***The Big Apple Circus also is offering a special Scout Meal/Patch(a minimum of 10 meals must be ordered at least by April 6 to qualify.) Cost is $7.50 per Scout (sibling) Adults do not qualify. Price includes a participation patch for the back of the vest, a hot dog, popcorn, and a juice pack.
Please e-mail me if your daughter and family would like to attend.
I need to know how many tickets total and if you are interested in the meal/patch add-on.
For the best seats, tickets should be ordered ASAP, so I'd like to close registration by April 1st, if not sooner.
E-mail me with any questions.
I have an e-mail into the circus about how payment should be coordinated.
---Tri-leader Susan Petroni
FIELD TRIP: Girl Scout Museum in Waltham
They saw a painting of Girl Scout Founder Juliette Gordon Low, who began Girl Scouts in 1912. They learned about Girl Guides all over the world.
The Brownies tried on different scout hats and posed for a Troop photograph.
The girls had the opportunity to check our pins from all over the world and badges through the years.
The field trip today was lead by volunteer Janet Coombs, who showed the girls her Brownie pin when she was about their age. (She told the Troop that when she was Brownie you had to be a third grader.) Brownies used to be first-second-third graders. Starting next year, Brownies will only be second and third graders.
Coombs told the girls that as a Brownie she didn't have uniform options. She had to wear a dress. pants were not allowed in school or at a Troop meeting.
The Girls learned why there was a pocket on the Brownie dress and why the pocket was not straight (Ask your daughter why. Hint: she can sing a song about it.)
The Brownies sang that song at the Museum.
Coombs showed girls a Brownie Beanie (hat). The girls had the opportunity to try on a Beanie.
The Brownies also had the opportunity to see what they would look like in a old-fashioned Brownie and Girl Scout uniform. (See some of the photographs below of them...)
The girls learned about the Cedar Hill site. They learned about Cornelia Warren, who lived on the site in a mansion, which was her summer home. The mansion does not exist anymore. In her will, she left the land to the community and in 1923 it was given to the Girl Scouts.
The Brownies had the opportunity to build a world trefoil using blue and gold felt. They also read about the symbolism in the World Trefoil Pin.
The girls had the opportunity to see pictures and miniatures of the camp site at Cedar Hill.
The Brownies had the opportunity to make a craft and play a memory game, using Brownie and Scout memorabilia.
Afterwards the Troop came together in a Brownie Circle and let Coombs start the Friendship Squeeze after singing Make New Friends. Coombs taught the Troop how to turn the circle inside out and showed us a new way to end our meetings with a Brownie Tunnel.
Girls line up in two rows, holding hands across the space between the rows. The pair at one
end of the “tunnel” walk under the raised arms of the girls. Each pair of girls follows as they become the first in line.
* The Troop had a fun time and we actually stayed longer than our hour.
Below are a few photos from the field trip outing: