At yesterday's meeting, we spent a portion of the meeting talking about how to earn Try-Its.
Several Brownies from Troop 2082 have been earning Try-Its away from the Troop at workshops sponsored by both the Eastern Massachusetts and Central & Western Massachusetts Councils.
At yesterday's meeting, Talia presented musical instruments she made at a Council-sponsored workshop and a guitar and musical mobile she made outside the workshop to complete the requirements for the Sounds of Music Try-It.
Girls in the Troop got a chance to play with the homemade instruments.
After this presentation, the 11 girls present played pretend store and made change for customers as part of a requirement for the Penny Power Try-It.
The Troop will be going on a field trip to a TD Bank North branch in Framingham soon to complete the requirements of the Penny Power Try-It. Details will be coming.
Afterwards, the 11 girls at yesterday's meeting were split into 2 groups.
Each was given a Try-It Brownie book with a list of the 60+ Try-Its that could be earned.
The girls in each group were to review each Try-It and if the group unanimously agreed to the Try-It it went on a list of potential Troop Try-Its to complete. If just one girl in the group didn't vote for the Try-it, it didn't make the list.
This activity helped the girls understand the need to work cooperatively and to learn about all the potential Try-Its they could earn before they bridge from Brownies to Juniors at the end of Grade 3.
* Group A (Ayushi, Becky, Sarah, Sasha, & Sydney) agreed on 3 Try-Its unanimously. They were Around the World, Let's Pretend, and ?????.
* Group B (Alyssa, Bella, Emily S., Kelly, Talia, & Tovah) agreed on 6 Try-Its unanimously. They were Caring and Sharing, Sports and Games, Let's Pretend, Stitch It Together, Science Wonders, & Space explorer.
Both Group A & B selected the Let's Pretend Try-It unanimously and thus Troop 2082 will likely earn this as a group before the conclusion of Year 3 (2009-2010).
During the group exercise, each girl also kept an individual list of Try-Its she would like to earn, even if the Troop doesn't work on it.
At our next meeting, each Brownie will write one Try-It on a list that they would like to earn before they complete Brownies. If it is not a Troop Try-It, each Brownie will be given information on how they can complete the requirements on their own.
At the end of the meeting, the 12 Brownies who completed the Bowling Try-It were awarded their badge.
Our next scheduled meeting is Monday, April 27. Meetings are from 4;15 to 5:30.
Girls who miss parts of a meeting or an entire meeting may not earn that badge at year's end.
Below are a few photos from Yesterday's meeting. (FYI: Kelly is wearing the Brownie uniform Troop Leader Pam wore at her age.)
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