Monday, April 27, 2009

Upcoming Events & Important Info for Parents

Brownie Troop 2082 NEWS – 4/27/09
note: this was given to the Brownies at the end of today's meeting.

Upcoming dates:
* Monday, May 4:
Brownie troop meeting – possible hike at the Boy Scout Trail in Framingham - weather pending. If not, meeting at our regular meeting site.
*Monday, May 18: Field Trip to TD BankNorth - Meet 4:15 p.m. in bank parking lot. Bank is located in downtown Framingham on Route 126.
* Saturday, June 6: Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Museum of Science Sleepover – More details to come. 15 of the 16 Brownies are attending. The event is sold out!
***DATE CHANGE!!! --- *Monday, June 15: End-of-the-year PARTY and Dance party... (to complete the Dancercize Try-It)

FALL CAMPING: Framingham Girl Scouts is looking at holding a town-wide camping event in September. We need to let Framingham Girl Scouts know by this Friday, May 1 if our Troop is interested in participating. Please e-mail a leader ASAP to let us know if your daughter would be interested in the overnight camping experience. This event would follow safety wise rules so with a Troop of 16 girls we could only take two moms along with the three leaders camping. We would be camping with other Scouts from Framingham.
Dates Framingham Scouts are looking at are: Sept. 11-12-13 or Sept. 25-26-27
The Jewish holiday does not begin until sundown on the 27th

Working on Individual Try-It Badges: Some of the Brownies in out Troop have been attending optional Council sponsored events and earning individual Try-It badges. Others will be attending camp this summer and earning individual Try-It badges.
At our last meeting the girls split into 2 groups and reviewed the book of Try-It badges.
As a Brownie there are more than 60 Try-Its they can earn.
We will never work on all 60+ so they girls voted on a Try-It they wish to earn in their final year (Third grade Brownies) – Let’s Pretend.
We realize that each girl has her own interests and they were asked to pick out a Try-It badge they would like to earn before they complete Brownies. THIS IS OPTIONAL but we can provide you with the information and requirements for your daughters’ badge along with a worksheet to complete this summer. At a meeting in the fall, the girls can present their projects and will be awarded their individual Try-It.

***Finally, all information on Optional Try-It badge workshops, optional activities and events, can be found on the Troop Web site at
Even more activities are available on the Framingham Girl Scout Web site at

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