Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Optional Service Project for Brownies on Nov. 25 from 1 to 3 p.m.

Our Troop has the opportunity to do a service project next Wednesday, Nov. 25.
We realize that some of you may be heading out of town right after the noon early release, but we are hoping a number of you who are around will be available to help out. (It is also might give you all two extra hours for holiday preparation!) My older daughter's Troop participated for 2 years and got a lot out of it.
The Curtis family of Framingham organizes a Thanksgiving dinner at the Fraternal Order of Eagles banquet hall (55 Park St.-directions to follow).
Our Troop would be volunteering, along with others, the day before to help with the preparations. We may peel pounds of carrots, bag bread and butter, set tables and also have make Thanksgiving Day cards to go with home delivered meals. (Our Troop has already made cards during our most recent meeting.)
This year we will be helping out again on Wednesday Nov. 25th from 1-3 pm.
Pam (and at least one of the other leaders) will be attending.
Other parents are welcome to help if they wish.
Please let me know if you daughter plans to attend. I will have a permission slip for you to sign at next Monday's meeting (and will send one home with girls whose parent's don't do pick up/drop off.) Please let me know if you have any questions. The info. below gives a bit more information. -Pam

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