Tuesday, October 6, 2009

MEETING SUMMARY: Troop Votes on Try-its to Complete in Their Final Brownie Year

Troop 2082 met at its new location yesterday - Plymouth House Church.
The 15 Brownies started the meeting working on a Girl Scout Word Search.
After snack, the girls gathered in a Brownie Circle.
Madison led the group in the Girl Scout Law.
Becky led the Troop in a reading of the Girl Scout Promise.
Once inside the Circle we talked about upcoming events the Brownies could attend -- including a Math & Computer Workshop and the annual Roller Skating night. We also talked about the fact that this will be the girls last year as a Brownie. (If they continue with Scouting as 4th graders they will be Junior Scouts.) Alyssa showed the Troop her mom's Junior Girl Scout handbook and showed them some of the badges they could earn. Junior badges are shaped in a circle, compared to Brownie Try-Its which are shaped as a triangle.
Next, the leaders went over a list of 15 possible Try-Its the girls could work on in their final year. They were instructed to listen to a brief description of each, and then put an X next to the Try-its they were interested in. After listening to all the description, each Brownie then voted on the 3 they most wished to do. The Troop were told that the top 3 Try-Its voted on my the 15 girls would be completed in their final year - the others COULD be completed - but no promises made.
The Try-Its voted on were:
1) Theatre - 3 possible Try-Its
2) Healthy Habits
3) Baking
4) Art to Wear or Fashion
5) Science Wonders
6) Earth & Sky or Space Explorer
7) Caring & Sharing
8) Brownie Scouts Around the World
9) Ponies & Horses - 3 possible Try-Its
10) Hobbies
11) Stitch It Together
12) Watching Wildlife
13) Bicycling
14) Ice Skating
15) Computers - Point, Click & Go

After the Votes were tallies, the top votegetters were:

* Baking - 9 votes
* Stitch It Together - 8 votes
* Let's Pretend - 6 votes

Tied with 5 votes -- both Horses & Ice Skating

While the votes were being tabulated, the Brownies made an Poem based on the letters B-R-O-W-N-I-E.
The girls gathered into a Brownie Circle again, and they tried to guess based on the poem, who was the author. It was a great way to get to know each girl as an individual.
The girls then did a Friendship squeeze, started by Emily D.
Then, the finished the meeting playing the Girl Scout Out game.
As the Brownies left the meeting, each was given their Early Bird registration patch. (The patch should go on the BACK of their vest).

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