Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Framingham Girl Scouts is sponsoring, again, a Computer & Math Workshop for Brownies. Several of the Brownies in Troop 2082 completed the workshop and earned 2 Try-its in 2007.
This year's workshop will be held on Sunday, Oct. 25 from 2 to 4 p.m. at St. Bridget School Hall at 832 Worcester Road (Route 9 eastbound).
Registration deadline is Tuesday, Oct. 20 or when the 80 slots are filled!
Cost is $6 per Brownie. (The cost covers supplies, use of computer lab, and a participation patch for the back of the vest.) The 2 Try-It patches are NOT included in the cost.
As no leader from Troop 2082 will be attending the workshop, a parent or a guardian must attend with your daughter. There is no fee for adults/leaders.
This event is for Daisy, Brownie, & Junior Scouts in Framingham.
No registration will take place at the door. No walk-ins.
Keep in mind, previous town programs have sold-out before the registration deadline.
NO FOOD can be brought into the hall. Girls are free to bring their own water bottle.

Any Brownie from Troop 2082 interested in attending should contact a leader ASAP.
We can deduct the $6 fee from their activity fund.

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