Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Is Your Daughter Interested in Camping Outdoors? Let a Leader Know by May 1

Framingham Girl Scouts is considering coordinating an town-wide encampment in September outdoors at a Girl Scout camping site, most likely in Waltham again.
Framingham Girl Scouts have asked that leaders let them know their Troop's interest and estimated number of girls who may attend by this Friday, May 1.
The trip would likely begin on Friday night and end on Sunday afternoon. Girls will have the opportunity of arriving on Saturday and camping just one night. Most likely the girls would be camping in platform (floor) tents outside. (There is a slight possibility they could camp inside a lodge.)
As this is an official Girl Scout event, we have to follow safety rules and thus most likely no more than 2 adults would be allowed to stay overnight along with the tri-leaders.
The dates Framingham Scouts are looking at are: Sept. 11-12-13 or Sept. 25-26-27
Note: The Jewish holiday does not begin until sundown on the 27th
If you think your daughter is interested, please e-mail a leader ASAP. This is not a commitment to attend but a way for Framingham Scouts to plan.
It will also help them select a set of dates.
Final section of camping dates in September likely will be determined by Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Council.
**Official sign-ups would be at a later date.
Thus far, we know there are a handful of Brownies who would like to participate.

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