Monday, December 1, 2008

Cookie Mom In Training Wanted

Hi Folks-

Girl Scout cookie selling season is quickly approaching. We have 2 more meetings before Dec. break (Monday the 8th at St. Andrew's and a holiday party on the 22nd- location TBD). At the party, we will be giving out information about the cookie sale. It officially does not start until after New Years, but girls are permitted to sell to any relatives over vacation.

Shawn Granoff has acted as "Cookie Mom" for our troop last year in addition to being "Cookie Mom" for her daughter's Junior troop. This has a big task for her to handle both troops (and a crowed situation in her living room!). Generally, it is recommended that a parent other than a troop leader act as "Cookie Mom." Shawn has agreed to continue this year, but is asking for someone to step up and shadow her this year in anticipation of taking over the job next year. The task involves going to a one short training, entering all the orders in to a girl scout data base, picking up the cookies from a site in Framingham ( with the help of other parents who have minivans), sorting the cookies in your home and setting specific times for families to pick up the cookies, entering the checks received in the data base and calling stop and shop to set up a time for a booth sale. If you have specific questions you can call Shawn. She will be attending a cookie training tonight at 7 pm at Plymouth church. If you think you might be interested, you are welcome to attend tonight. If you are not free tonight, you can still volunteer; Shawn will fill you in and you can attend the training next year.

Thank you for your consideration!

-Pam O'Callaghan

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