Sunday, February 10, 2008

Girl Scout Night with the Boston Celtics

The Star & Spindle Girl Scout Council, which recently merged with our council to form the Girl Scouts of Eastern Mass Council is offering a Girl Scout Night at a Celtics game on Friday night, March 28 at 7:30.

The deadline to register is Tuesday, Feb. 12.

This is not a Brownie troop 2082 specific event, but we could organize a mini-group, if anyone is interested.

The former Star & Spindle Counil has reserved tickets and any troop can be recognized on the JUMBO-tron.
Girl Scouts who attend will get a special Boston Celtics patch.

Where: TD Banknorth Garden, Boston
When: Friday, March 28, 7:30 pm
Girl Scout Fee: $27
Adult Fee: $27

If you are interested let you leader know ASAP so we can inquiry about tickets.
I believe the game is against the Hornets...

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