Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Troop Meeting #6 Summary

During today's meeting, after snack and celebrating Sydney's 8th birthday, the troop went into its Brownie Circle and shared what they learned while working on the Grandma & Me patch project.
The girls were having so much fun sharing their information and objects that we did not have time to work on the time capsule project, which completes the All in the Family Try-It.
We will finish that Try-it project in January.
In all, 14 girls shared information on their grandmothers and will earn the Grandma & Me special participation patch (back of the vest).
The patches will be distributed at our next meeting -- which will be OFFSITE at Uno's on Route 9E on Monday, Dec. 22 at an earlier start time of 4 p.m.
A parent must sign a permission slip for your daughter to participate in the kitchen tour and pizza party that day. If you did not sign a permission slip for your daughter Monday, please contact a leader to do so.
The Troop is picking up the tab for the special outing.
NOTE: At our next meeting, information will be distributed about the annual Cookie Sale.
At the end of Monday's meeting, the girls participated in a Friendship Squeeze and Circle Time.
Afterwards, those who sold magazines, candy & nuts this fall were given their participation patches (7 girls earned one patch and one girl earned all 4 patches, several earned 2 & 3 patches) and prizes (necklaces and stuffed bear with glow-in-the-dark t-shirts or both).

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