Saturday, April 12, 2008

Next Brownie Meeting: Monday, April 14

Just a reminder that the next Brownie meeting is Monday, April 14 at 3:45 p.m.

The girls will be working on a Try-it badge and we will be telling the girls about the three upcoming field trips we have planned for:
Monday, April 28 to the School for the Deaf in Framingham
Sunday, May 4 at Frozen Ropes in Natick
Monday, May 12 in Southborough (Rain date: May 19th).

We will also be talking to the Brownies about the end of the year event - on either June 2 or June 16th.

If you have not signed permission slips for these 3 field trip events, please see one of the leaders during drop off or pick up time on Monday.

Also we are looking for a mom or two for each event to stay and help out.
Let one of the leaders know if you are interested.

There will be a handout with details of all 3 field trips for each Brownie at the end of the meeting
Have a great weekend!

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