Sunday, April 13, 2008

Girl Scouts Reorganize - Brownies Now Grades 2 & 3 only!

Here is some news from the national level of Girl Scouts. It will only have a slight impact on our Brownie troop:

As many of you know, earlier this year, the former Patriots Trail, Southeastern Massachusetts and Star & Spindle councils combined to form the Eastern Massachusetts Council of Girl Scouts.
The new Eastern Massachusetts Council is divided into three regions:
North region - former Star & Spindle Council
Central region - former Patriots Trail Council
South region - former Southeastern Mass Council.

Now comes word that after an 18-months open discussion about Girl Scout membership levels and its level names, all across the country, Girl Scouts USA is reorganizing all the levels, including Brownies.
Beginning Oct 2008, Membership groups for Girl Scouts will be:
Grades K-1: Girl Scout Daisy
Grades 2-3: Girl Scout Brownie
Grades 4-5: Girl Scout Junior
Grades 6-8: Girl Scout Cadette
Grades 9-10: Girl Scout Senior
Grades 11-12: Girl Scout Ambassador

We anticipate no changes to Troop 2082 as the girls enrolled are currently first and second graders and will be second and third graders come October 2008.

We anticipate receiving membership forms for the Fall 2008 season of Brownies in May. Typically, if girls register in the spring, as opposed to the fall, they receive an early bird patch for the back of their Brownie vest. We are awaiting word on if an early bird patch will be offered this year..

Girl Scouts at each level will have one official uniform item (tunic, vest, sash) for the display of official pins and awards. This uniform item and the new dress code described below will be required when girls participate in ceremonies or officially represent the Girl Scout Movement.
According to the National Girl Scouts leadership, "an official dress code will unite us and identify us all as Girl Scouts."
*** Girls will wear solid white shirts and khaki pants or skirts with their official uniform item.
(Keep in mind that traditionally in Girl Scouts, as uniform changes occur, old uniforms have still been acceptable. We anticipate that the Brown skirts and bottoms for Brownies will still be acceptable. See the national level Q&A below and check this Brownie Troop 2082 Web Site as we will post new information here as it is received.)
*** Adults will wear a scarf with the membership pins and navy attire.

Below is a short Q&A from the national Girl Scouts on the program and uniform changes:

Will girls change troops to conform to new levels?
The transition to new levels begins in Oct 2008 and will be a progression over time, rather than a sharp cutoff date. This is in the best interests of the girls.

Do adults wear a white blouses and shirts? Will old uniforms (including Brown skirts and brown pants for Brownies) still be valid?
Girl Scouts USA will issue more detailed guidelines when the new uniform requirements take effect in Oct 2008. Historically, previous uniforms have been considered appropriate after uniform changes.

Why not start the Girl Scout year in Sept., instead of October?
Girl Scouts USA recommends that all councils start Oct 1, the beginning of GSUSA's fiscal year.

What will happen if our school's grades don't correspond to Girl Scouts USA's new program levels?
Girl Scouts USA intention is to group girls as they identify themselves socially. If they identify with a slightly different grade grouping than is in the new levels, we will be able to make exceptions.

Will girls with special needs be grouped by their ages or by their grades?
Girl Scouts USA based the new levels on grades, as the best indicator of a girl's social development. We expect to place girls with special needs in their grade level.

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