Monday, May 3, 2010

Brownies Start Work on People Are Talking Try-It

At our last meeting, Brownie Troop 72082 began work on the People Are Talking Try-It. XXXXXX led the group in the Girl Scout Promise. XXXXX led the group in the Girl Scout Law.
Afterwards, Troop Leader Pam split the Troop into groups of two. The girls learned to be a good listener. They learned how to look right at the person who is talking, how to not get distracted by other sounds, actions, or people. They learned not to interrupt the person talking and also how to ask pertinent questions.
The girls then met back in the Brownie Circle and discussed there experience.
Then, the Troop moved on to requirement #2 for the Try-It. We talked about foreign languages. The girls taught each other how to say basic words in several languages, including, Spanish and Portuguese.
Finally, the girls learned that sometimes it is not what you say but HOW you say it. This was the third of the four requirements needed to complete the badge.
At the end of the meeting, Leader pam passed out the Mother's day pin the Brownies created, as part of the Art To Wear Try-It earlier.

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