Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Troop 2082 Helps to Bring Thanksgiving to Hundreds
The Brownies helped in preparation of the annual Curtis Family Thanksgiving Dinner at the Fraternal Order of Eagles banquet hall in downtown Framingham. Last year, 1,200 meals, including 700 home-delivered, were served. The Curtis family and volunteers are expecting bigger numbers tomorrow at the buffet-style meals, which will be available from noon to 6 p.m. Anyone who is in need of a meal on Thanksgiving is welcome to stop by.
Today, Brownies from our Troop, along with other volunteers, spooned out 400 servings of cranberry sauce, packaged 400 rolls, pulled pounds and pounds of meat from 90 roast turkeys, cut and broke enough bread for home-made stuffing for 90 turkeys, peeled 400 pounds of carrots, bagged 800 cookies, and sliced and packaged 70 pumpkin pies.
The Brownies also made another 100 homemade Thanksgiving cards. The Troop made 50 cards, during our November meetings.
Brownies who participated included: Ayushi, Becky, Bella, Emily S, Erin, Jessica, Kelly, Madison, Sagan, Sasha, Sydney, and Talia.
Thanks to leader Pam, who organized the event.
Thanks also to the parents of the Brownies, who helped out this afternoon, too -- Michelle, Cindi, Theresa, and Matthew.
Below are a few photos from today's community service project:
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Service Project -- Directions
Here are directions:
Take Union st. toward downtown and make a
Right onto Proctor
Left on to Pearl
Left on to Park St.
The Hall is on the left and there is a small parking lot before it.
My cell if you get lost is 508-877-3436.
Both Susan and I will be there.
You are free to either drop the girls off of stay and help out.
The more the merrier!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Meeting Summary: Brownies Try Their Hand at Needlepoint
Afterwards, the girls had snack.
Then, the Troop gathered into its Brownie Circle.
Sydney led the Brownies in the Girl Scout Promise.
Ayushi led the Brownies in reading the Girl Scout Law.
Then, Leader Pam talked to the Troop about the optional service project on Wednesday at Eagles Hall in downtown Framingham.
Recently, a trio of girls in the Troop participated in a three optional Council Events and talked about the events in the Brownie Circle.
Bella showed the Brownies the Swim Safety participation patch she earned, and talked about the water program, which included swim strokes, synchronized swimming, and life vest training.
Talia showed the Brownies the Night Hike participation patch she earned, and talked about the activities and science experiments, including rubbing quartz stones, and chewing a wintergreen Lifesaver.
(Alyssa will talk about Girl Scout Night at the Worcester Sharks at a future meeting.)
After the Brownie Circle, the girls began work on a snowflake stitching (needlepoint) kit as part of their Stitch It Together Try-It work.
Several of the Brownies found this activity challenging. (The activity is geared for girls ages 8+).
As we progressed with the project, it was determined that the girls should stitch through the photo of the completed project, so not to count squares.
The Brownies were asked to complete the program at home. It was suggested that a parent or guardian take a Sharpie marker and outline the areas for the blue yard to help the child complete the project at home.
While some of the girls struggled with the activity, we thought the activity showed the Brownies what it was like for girls in Victorian and earlier historic eras, without electronics and video games. That typically, girls in those times, stitched or did needlepoint to occupy their time.
After clean-up, the Brownies joined in a Circle and Sarah started the Friendship Squeeze.
Below are a few photos from today's meeting:
Friday, November 20, 2009
Optional Lowell Devils Teddy Bear Toss, Hockey Game, & PubliC Skating Event on Sunday, Dec. 6
Lowell Devils Teddy Bear Toss: Enjoy the Lowell Devils Hockey Game and do a good deed. Bring a new or gently used teddy bear and toss it onto the ice during intermission. The teddy bears will be given to children’s organizations. After the game, stay for some exclusive Girl Scouts and Family time, for a public skate. A participation patch and skate rental included in the registration price. (Brownies who participate will also complete work on the ice skating Try-It badge)
The Lowell Devils play at Tsongas Arena, 300 Martin Luther King, Jr., Way, in Lowell.
Registration fee is $14 per Scout and $14 for each additional family member.
Scouts & family members may bring their own skates. Tsongas has a limited amount of skates for rental, which is included in the price; but no guarantee of your size.
Registration deadline is Sunday, Nov. 22!
To register, visit the Council Web site, and click on programs.
Today, Deadline to Register for Jungle Safari on 12/11 in Framingham
You can register your daughter individually, if interested.
There are many optional events, but this is so close to home, that you might be more inclined to take advantage of it.
I believe, Shawn may be going to the 12/ 5 one in Waltham.
Susan and Pam are attending the one in Framingham along with at least 6 Brownies from the Troop on 12/11.
Please let us know if any of your daughters are registered.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Optional Holiday Sing-A-Long & Tree Lighting Event on Friday, Dec. 4 at 6 p.m.
The Framingham Girl Scouts Service Unit, is trying to see if enough Troops are interested in participating. If your Brownie would like to participate in this OPTIONAL EVENT, please e-mail a leader or let a leader know at Monday's meeting on Nov. 23.
In previous years, Troop 72082 Brownies Becky, Bella, Emily D. & Kelly have participated and received a patch for the back of their Brownie Vest.
Typically, after the Scouts sing and Santa lights the Christmas Tree, families & Scouts are invited insider Town Hall for hot cocoa & treats and to listen to the all-elementary school band.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Optional Service Project for Brownies on Nov. 25 from 1 to 3 p.m.
We realize that some of you may be heading out of town right after the noon early release, but we are hoping a number of you who are around will be available to help out. (It is also might give you all two extra hours for holiday preparation!) My older daughter's Troop participated for 2 years and got a lot out of it.
The Curtis family of Framingham organizes a Thanksgiving dinner at the Fraternal Order of Eagles banquet hall (55 Park St.-directions to follow).
Our Troop would be volunteering, along with others, the day before to help with the preparations. We may peel pounds of carrots, bag bread and butter, set tables and also have make Thanksgiving Day cards to go with home delivered meals. (Our Troop has already made cards during our most recent meeting.)
This year we will be helping out again on Wednesday Nov. 25th from 1-3 pm.
Pam (and at least one of the other leaders) will be attending.
Other parents are welcome to help if they wish.
Please let me know if you daughter plans to attend. I will have a permission slip for you to sign at next Monday's meeting (and will send one home with girls whose parent's don't do pick up/drop off.) Please let me know if you have any questions. The info. below gives a bit more information. -Pam
Next Meeting: Monday, Nov 23
There are 16 girls in the Troop.
Snack moms should send in either a drink (with cups) or drink boxes plus a "safe" snack for all 16 girls.
A list of who is responsible for each meeting's snack can be found on this Web site, on the right hand side.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Optional Event: Jungle Safari
We think this would be a great OPTIONAL event for your daughter.
Details are below.
*Sunday DECEMBER 6th at Camp Cedar Hill in Waltham starting at 1 p.m.
*Friday, DECEMBER. 11th at First Parish Church in Framingham at 6 p.m.
Cost is $10 per Brownie.
We are recommending this event, first because it is a Eastern Massachusetts Council event in Framingham and #2 a leader will likely be attending each event (Dec. 6th – Shawn) and Dec. 11th (Susan and possibly Pam).
NOTE: Three Brownies from our Troop are already registered for Dec. 11.
Event description: Put on your safari hats and get ready to explore the world! Can you handle going to Africa? What about Costa Rica? Go from country to country, greeting the wildlife and the people. Enjoy music and crafts from around the world! Adults and leaders are free but are expected to help. This is a non-patch event.
These events are expected to fill up quickly.
Registration deadline is once the spots are filled or Nov. 20.
Dec 6th registration:
Dec 11th registration:
If you are looking for additional optional events for your daughter to attend, visit this Web site or visit the Framingham Girl Scout Web site at
Two Brownies attend Girl Scout Night at the Worcester Sharks
Below are a few photos from yesterday's event:
Friday, November 13, 2009
Two Brownies Earn Night Hike Patch
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Meeting Summary: Brownies Learns How To Sew A Button
Yesterday, the Brownies started the meeting by making Thanksgiving card, for those less fortunate. It is part of a service project. The Troop was told of an optional service project on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. (An e-mail will be sent to parents with more details.)
After snack of lemonade and pretzels, the Brownies joined in a Circle.
Kelly read the Promise and Jessica read the Girl Scout Law.
Next, leader Susan Petroni talked to the girls about an optional event in December -- a Jungle Safari, offered by Council. (A letter went home with each Brownie.) She also showed the Brownies the roller skating participation patch, which 14 of the girls earned, and took home yesterday. (It should go on the back of the vest.)
Afterwards, leader Shawn Granoff talked to the girls about sewing. She passed around doll, clothing, and costume patterns. We talked about basic sewing techniques and then she explained that each Brownie would be sewing a button on to a square of fabric, as part of the requirement to earn the Stitch It Together Try-It. This is one of the 3 Try-Its the Brownies voted they wanted to earn this year.
Unfortunately, we ran out of time to work on a second requirement of the Stitch It Together Try-It or to work on the tongue twisters, as part of the Let's Pretend Try-It, another of the three Try-Its the Troop voted to earn before they moved on to Junior Girl Scouts.
After cleaning up, the Brownies joined in a Circle to do the Friendship Squeeze, started by Emily.
Our next meeting is Monday, Nov. 23.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Two Brownies Earn Swim Safety Patch

The two Brownies from our Troop along with 38 other Brownies, dove into 11 feet water, practiced swim techniques, learn to push off the wall, practiced how to dive, and learned a few synchronized swimming techniques.
The Brownies also watched a third grader and a team of swimmers perform synchronized swimming routines, before enjoying free swim time.
The girls, who completed the program, received a participation patch.
Below are a few photos from last weekend's event:
Monday, November 2, 2009
Roller Skating Night Photos
Below are 50-60 photos from the event.
To see them in full-view click on 'View all Images"
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Next Meeting, Monday, Nov. 9
When the leaders planned the schedule for the year, we decided not to meet on the
2nd since we had rollerskating on the 1st.
When people asked today, we realized that we had not sent out the Brownie schedule for the year. We apologize.
The Schedule for the year, can be found on the right hand side of this Web site. Next to each meeting, is the Brownie responsible for bring drink & snack to the meeting.
- Pam, Shawn, & Susan