Monday, August 25, 2008

Governor Declares Sept 27. Girl Scout Day in Massachusetts!

The NEW Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEM) is pleased to announce its first annual membership drive, and are looking for girls in grades k-12 to join and be part of all the fun Girl Scouting has to offer!
Communities throughout eastern Massachusetts will celebrate their Girl Scout pride this
September with new member registration events, green ribbons on the doors of Girl
Scouts’ homes, and a proclamation from Governor Patrick declaring Sept. 27th as
Girl Scout Day in Massachusetts.
The Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts will have many sign-up events throughout
eastern Massachusetts on Saturday, Sept. 27th, and encourage new and current
Girl Scouts to attend.
Events will take place at the Brockton Rox Baseball Stadium, Weymouth Girl Scout House, Camp Kiwanis in Lynn & many more locations to be announced!
“Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts empowers girls to emerge as leaders, embark on
innovative experiences, all the while making friendships to last a lifetime,” said Girl
Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts CEO Ruth N. Bramson. “As the premier leadership
development organization for girls, we are excited to provide new opportunities for girls
to discover a strong sense of self, connect with their community and take action to make
a difference in their community.”
Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts offers unique programs/events throughout the
region that are affordable and enjoyable. There are many exciting opportunities for
exploration that foster leadership growth for girls of all interests. GSEM is committed to
serving a diverse group of girls from all communities. The Girl Scouts offers a wide array
of innovative and fresh activities to appeal to the ever-changing needs and interests of
girls as they grow and mature.
To find out more about Girl Scouts, please visit
Framingham will host its own to come...
About Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts: Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts serves more than 40,000 girl members and 17,000 volunteers living in towns and cities spanning the eastern part of the state from the border of New Hampshire south to the Cape and Islands along the South Coast to Fall River and west to Marlborough. Programs and services are delivered to girls through 28 programs centers in 178 communities in Eastern Massachusetts

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