Monday, March 24, 2008

IMPORTANT --- Cookie Money CHANGE!

Hi Troop 2082-

I know some of you may have turned in your cookie money to Shawn already, so I apologize for this...
While I was away for the weekend I got an e-mail from the woman in charge of the cookies and found out that because of the merger of the Patriot trail and Eastern Mass. GS, our troop bank account was unable to be activated at this time. Therefore, the cookie money need to be deposited into a leaders personal account until they can straighten up the paper work.
please make out your cookie check to "Pam O'Callaghan". If you have given Shawn a check already she can return it to you. If you get this message in time to do it before today's meeting , great. If not, I will come to your house at your convenience, to save you a trip.

Sorry about this.


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