We have two cookie booth sales lined up for the troop - both at the Old Connecticut Path Stop & Shop across from the YMCA.
The girls will be divided into two shifts (90 minutes each).
All girls who participate will get credit for a portion of the cookie sales which will go toward their prize level.
Below are the time slots.
If you are unable to make your assigned time, please let us know.
4-5:30 p.m. shift
Girls: Tovah, Sarah, Jessica, Bella, Madison, Erin, Emily D. Becky
530-7 p.m. shift
Girls: Kelly, Sydney, Talia, Emily S., Ayushi, Sasha, Alyssa, Sagan
12-1:30 p.m. shift
Girls: Tovah, Sarah, Jessica, Bella, Madison, Erin, Emily D. Becky
1:30- 3 p.m. shift
Girls: Kelly, Sydney, Talia, Emily S., Ayushi, Sasha, Alyssa, Sagan
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Optional Council Event on Saturday, Feb. 28 on Space Exploration
Explore Space! Discover Life?: What lies beyond our solar system? How do we look for life on other planets? Discover new planets, observe new life forms and design useful gadgets for collecting space samples, through fun, hands-on experiments.
Eastern Massachusetts Girl Scout Council is offering this special event for Daisy and Brownie Scouts on Saturday, Feb 28 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Taunton Elks Club at 119 High St. The cost is $8 per girl. Adult chaperones are free.
Individual Brownies can register but an adult must attend with them, as it is unlikely a leader from Brownie Troop 72082 will be attending.
For additional information and to register visit http://www.girlscoutseasternmass.org/programs/search.html
Eastern Massachusetts Girl Scout Council is offering this special event for Daisy and Brownie Scouts on Saturday, Feb 28 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the Taunton Elks Club at 119 High St. The cost is $8 per girl. Adult chaperones are free.
Individual Brownies can register but an adult must attend with them, as it is unlikely a leader from Brownie Troop 72082 will be attending.
For additional information and to register visit http://www.girlscoutseasternmass.org/programs/search.html
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Optional Event: Girl Scout Sunday March 8 & March 15
St. Bridget Church and St. George's Church will both host Girl Scout Sunday in March.
This is an optional event for girls in our Brownie Troop.
Below are all the details on both events.
If your daughter is interested in attending, please contact a Troop leader so they can let the organizers know.
Sunday, March 8: 9 a.m. St. Bridget Church (downstairs)
Details: All Girl Scouts, Leaders, and their families are invited to join St. Bridget Parish as we celebrate Girl Scout Sunday. Everyone is encouraged to wear their uniforms and sit together in the reserved pews near the front of the church. It is recommended that the girls arrive by 8:45 a.m. to be seated in the reserved area. It is encouraged to have Safety wise adults sit with the girls in the reserved section. As a reminder we are there representing the Town of Framingham Girl Scouts and are guests to the church, please help keep the girls quiet before, during and after the Mass. Please let a Troop leader know if your daughter is interested in: participating in the Mass as readers, altar servers, gift bearers, or door greeters.
* Final decision for helpers will be made on Feb. 28th
Note: Since this will be a family event an Activity Application Form for the town will NOT be completed. Feel free to complete the form for your troop if you wish.
George's Church in Framingham for 10:30 a.m. upstairs.
Details: 10:30 a.m. upstairs church with refreshments to follow in the meeting hall downstairs The girls will be invited after Communion to sing together This Little Light of Mine.
Volunteers are needed to set up the refreshments, we would like each troop to bring either a beverage or baked good for everyone to share. We need a Reader (can be a mom/dad and daughter?) Greeter's for before Mass and After to welcome to the Meeting Hall. This is a family event but organizers would love it if the girls and the leaders would sit together in assigned seating! Please remember to wear your sash or vest to this event!
This is an optional event for girls in our Brownie Troop.
Below are all the details on both events.
If your daughter is interested in attending, please contact a Troop leader so they can let the organizers know.
Sunday, March 8: 9 a.m. St. Bridget Church (downstairs)
Details: All Girl Scouts, Leaders, and their families are invited to join St. Bridget Parish as we celebrate Girl Scout Sunday. Everyone is encouraged to wear their uniforms and sit together in the reserved pews near the front of the church. It is recommended that the girls arrive by 8:45 a.m. to be seated in the reserved area. It is encouraged to have Safety wise adults sit with the girls in the reserved section. As a reminder we are there representing the Town of Framingham Girl Scouts and are guests to the church, please help keep the girls quiet before, during and after the Mass. Please let a Troop leader know if your daughter is interested in: participating in the Mass as readers, altar servers, gift bearers, or door greeters.
* Final decision for helpers will be made on Feb. 28th
Note: Since this will be a family event an Activity Application Form for the town will NOT be completed. Feel free to complete the form for your troop if you wish.
George's Church in Framingham for 10:30 a.m. upstairs.
Details: 10:30 a.m. upstairs church with refreshments to follow in the meeting hall downstairs The girls will be invited after Communion to sing together This Little Light of Mine.
Volunteers are needed to set up the refreshments, we would like each troop to bring either a beverage or baked good for everyone to share. We need a Reader (can be a mom/dad and daughter?) Greeter's for before Mass and After to welcome to the Meeting Hall. This is a family event but organizers would love it if the girls and the leaders would sit together in assigned seating! Please remember to wear your sash or vest to this event!
optional event,
patch event,
special event
Monday, January 12, 2009
Brownies Finish Their Time Capsules for All in the Family Try-It
Today, the Brownies finished their Time Capsule project, which they started in December. The Time Capsule was the last of the four requirements the girls needed to complete to earn the All in the Family Try-It..
Also during today's meeting, after Tovah read the Girl Scout Promise and Bella read the Girl Scout Law, we talked about cookie sales.
If every girl in the Troop sells 12 boxes of cookies, the Troop will earn a Troop scrapbook.
Friday, Jan. 16 is the last day for individual cookie sales.
We also talked to the girls about our plans to hold one or two cookie booth sales either this or next month. The money earned will help defray the cost of the Museum of Science event in June and help the girls earn additional prizes/incentives for cookie sales.
Reminder: Parents: all cookie order forms are due to tri-leader Shawn no later than Sunday, Jan. 18. Any questions please call or e-mail her.
At the end of the meeting, after clean-up, the girls participated in the Friendship Circle. That Brownie Squeeze and Girl Scout Out activity is one of the Troop's favorites.
Also during today's meeting, after Tovah read the Girl Scout Promise and Bella read the Girl Scout Law, we talked about cookie sales.
If every girl in the Troop sells 12 boxes of cookies, the Troop will earn a Troop scrapbook.
Friday, Jan. 16 is the last day for individual cookie sales.
We also talked to the girls about our plans to hold one or two cookie booth sales either this or next month. The money earned will help defray the cost of the Museum of Science event in June and help the girls earn additional prizes/incentives for cookie sales.
Reminder: Parents: all cookie order forms are due to tri-leader Shawn no later than Sunday, Jan. 18. Any questions please call or e-mail her.
At the end of the meeting, after clean-up, the girls participated in the Friendship Circle. That Brownie Squeeze and Girl Scout Out activity is one of the Troop's favorites.
meeting summary,
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
LITTLE BREEZE, BIG WIND: Optional Try-IT badge Program on Sunday, March 8
Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Council is offering Little Breeze, Big Wind on Sunday, March 8 from 2 to 4 p.m. for Brownies in grades 2 & 3 only.
This is an optional science event for Brownies in Troop 72082.
Those who attend will earn the Brownie Movers Try-It badge.
Program info: The wind can create a gentle breeze or a powerful hurricane. An airplane couldn’t fly without the wind blowing on its wings. Can you make things that are powered by the wind and have fun doing it?
Location: Maynard Elks Lodge, 34 Powder Mill Rd, Maynard
Cost: $9 Brownie & $0 adult/leader
Please check with a troop leader if your daughter would like to attend.
This is not a drop-off and pick-up event, so if a troop leader is not attending a parent will need to stay.
Registration deadline: Friday, Feb. 6 or until registration fills up.
This is an optional science event for Brownies in Troop 72082.
Those who attend will earn the Brownie Movers Try-It badge.
Program info: The wind can create a gentle breeze or a powerful hurricane. An airplane couldn’t fly without the wind blowing on its wings. Can you make things that are powered by the wind and have fun doing it?
Location: Maynard Elks Lodge, 34 Powder Mill Rd, Maynard
Cost: $9 Brownie & $0 adult/leader
Please check with a troop leader if your daughter would like to attend.
This is not a drop-off and pick-up event, so if a troop leader is not attending a parent will need to stay.
Registration deadline: Friday, Feb. 6 or until registration fills up.
Saturday, March 28: Girl Scout Day at Old Sturbridge Village
Starting Monday, Feb. 2, Brownies can register for an optional event offered by the Central & Western Massachusetts Girl Scout Council -- Girl Scout Day at Old Sturbridge Village on Saturday, March 28!
This is an optional event for Brownies in Troop 72082.
The 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. event is open to Girl Scouts in grades K-12.
This event is designed for all Girl Scouts that are interested in learning more about early 19th century American history. Inspired by Women’s History Month, Girl Scout Day will explore the everyday lives of early New England girls and women through demonstrations and performances! Meet two very inspirational and dynamic women, Lydia Maria Child and Mary Gove. In their own ways, both motivated positive changes in American women’s lives.
Cost includes MOST Village activities and an Old Sturbridge Village participation patch (for the back of the vest.)
Cost: $ 7 per person
The maximum number of attendees is 200.
Registration will end once 200 is reached.
Please check with a TROOP LEADER to see if one is attending. If no leader is attending, you must attend with your child as this will not be a drop-off and pick-up event.
NOTE: Brownies may also pre-register online for the Museum Education Girl Scout Hands-on Studios for an additional $3 per girl. These 50-minute activities have been designed to meet Brownies Try-Its requirements.
This is an optional event for Brownies in Troop 72082.
The 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. event is open to Girl Scouts in grades K-12.
This event is designed for all Girl Scouts that are interested in learning more about early 19th century American history. Inspired by Women’s History Month, Girl Scout Day will explore the everyday lives of early New England girls and women through demonstrations and performances! Meet two very inspirational and dynamic women, Lydia Maria Child and Mary Gove. In their own ways, both motivated positive changes in American women’s lives.
Cost includes MOST Village activities and an Old Sturbridge Village participation patch (for the back of the vest.)
Cost: $ 7 per person
The maximum number of attendees is 200.
Registration will end once 200 is reached.
Please check with a TROOP LEADER to see if one is attending. If no leader is attending, you must attend with your child as this will not be a drop-off and pick-up event.
NOTE: Brownies may also pre-register online for the Museum Education Girl Scout Hands-on Studios for an additional $3 per girl. These 50-minute activities have been designed to meet Brownies Try-Its requirements.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Thursday, Jan 8 Deadline to Register for OPTIONAL Brownies Around the World Try-It Event in Worcester
Thursday, Jan 8 is the last day to register for Central & Western Massachusetts' Council's Brownie Girl Scouts Around the World Try-it Badge program on Saturday, Feb. 21 from 10 a.m. to noon in Worcester.
The Try-It program is for Brownies only. No siblings.
If a Troop 72082 attends this OPTIONAL event, no parent is required to attend.
Event info: On Saturday, Feb. 21 Celebrate Thinking Day by earning the "Brownie Girl Scouts Around the World" Try-It. Brownies are known by different names in other countries. Find out where there are Bluebirds, Little Wings, and Zaharas! Then, tour the Central & Western Massachusetts' Council museum, play fun global games, learn songs from other countries, and find out what Thinking Day is really about!
Cost: $5 per Brownie
Maximum Girls who can register: 40
Registration open until Thursday, Jan. 8 or until 40 girls are registered.
If interested in attending, please let a Troop leader know ASAP.
The Try-It program is for Brownies only. No siblings.
If a Troop 72082 attends this OPTIONAL event, no parent is required to attend.
Event info: On Saturday, Feb. 21 Celebrate Thinking Day by earning the "Brownie Girl Scouts Around the World" Try-It. Brownies are known by different names in other countries. Find out where there are Bluebirds, Little Wings, and Zaharas! Then, tour the Central & Western Massachusetts' Council museum, play fun global games, learn songs from other countries, and find out what Thinking Day is really about!
Cost: $5 per Brownie
Maximum Girls who can register: 40
Registration open until Thursday, Jan. 8 or until 40 girls are registered.
If interested in attending, please let a Troop leader know ASAP.
Caroling Participation Patch

optional event,
Partcipation patch,
patch event,
special event
Disney On Ice Show - UPDATE
Disney on Ice Worlds of Fantasy Show is Saturday night, Feb. 14 at 7 p.m.
Just learned, there is a special pre-show at 6 p.m. that girls can try on some of the ice show costumes. (For those who attended the Circus GS event -- it is similar to that)
Tickets are in Loge 5 (sorry, don't know rows)
I'm told these are $35 tickets for $17.
I hope to be able to distribute the tickets to everyone at our first TROOP meeting in February.
Patches will be given out the night of the ice show.
Girls from Troop 72082 attending include: Madison, Bella, Talia, Tovah, Alyssa, & Erin.
Again please have cash or a check (made out to Susan Petroni) for me at Monday's meeting (January 12)
E-mail with any questions at spetroni@rcn.com.
Just learned, there is a special pre-show at 6 p.m. that girls can try on some of the ice show costumes. (For those who attended the Circus GS event -- it is similar to that)
Tickets are in Loge 5 (sorry, don't know rows)
I'm told these are $35 tickets for $17.
I hope to be able to distribute the tickets to everyone at our first TROOP meeting in February.
Patches will be given out the night of the ice show.
Girls from Troop 72082 attending include: Madison, Bella, Talia, Tovah, Alyssa, & Erin.
Again please have cash or a check (made out to Susan Petroni) for me at Monday's meeting (January 12)
E-mail with any questions at spetroni@rcn.com.
optional event,
Partcipation patch,
patch event,
special event
Monday, January 5, 2009
Special Medieval Maidens Brownie Try-It Event on Saturday, March 7
Thursday, Feb. 5 is the deadline to register for the special Medieval Miadens Brownie Try-It badge program offered exclusively by the Central & Western Massachusetts Girl Scout Council on Saturday, March 7 from 10 a.m. to 12;30 p.m.
(This is the same Try-It that Talia & Bella earned last summer. Ask them to see what the Try-it badge looks like at the next meeting.)
TRY-IT INFO: The Middle Ages was an era of knights, fair ladies, princesses and castles. Girl swill learn about medieval times beyond the tales of adventure and make-believe and find out about the lives of girls and women during this time in history. Brownies will take a tour, do a craft, and have fun earning the exclusive "Medieval Maidens" Try-It, which will be distributed to Brownies that day.
Register directly with Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester by contacting Rhonda Houle at 508-853-6015 x20 or e-mail rhoule@higgins.org.
Cost: $17 per Brownie, $8 per adult. No siblings.
(Note: no Troop leader is attending, so a parent must attend with each Brownie)
The event is limited to 30 Brownies.
Registration will remain open through Thursday, Feb. 5 or until 30 girls have registered.
(This is the same Try-It that Talia & Bella earned last summer. Ask them to see what the Try-it badge looks like at the next meeting.)
TRY-IT INFO: The Middle Ages was an era of knights, fair ladies, princesses and castles. Girl swill learn about medieval times beyond the tales of adventure and make-believe and find out about the lives of girls and women during this time in history. Brownies will take a tour, do a craft, and have fun earning the exclusive "Medieval Maidens" Try-It, which will be distributed to Brownies that day.
Register directly with Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester by contacting Rhonda Houle at 508-853-6015 x20 or e-mail rhoule@higgins.org.
Cost: $17 per Brownie, $8 per adult. No siblings.
(Note: no Troop leader is attending, so a parent must attend with each Brownie)
The event is limited to 30 Brownies.
Registration will remain open through Thursday, Feb. 5 or until 30 girls have registered.
Public Cookie Sale Time...
Have questions about cookie sales?
Check out this link:
Check out this link:
Saturday, January 3, 2009
TROOP HOLIDAY PARTY: Kitchen Tour at Pizzeria Uno's & Brownie Pizza party
Members of Brownie Troop 72082 held their holiday party on Monday, Dec. 22 at Pizzeria Uno's on Route 9.
The girls had a tour of the dishwashing area, kitchen, refrigerator, and freezer. Afterwards, they made their own cheese pizza. Each girl received a certificate and a coupon for a free pizza upon their return.
The leaders also handed out Animals Try-it patches (triangle shape for the front of the vest) and a Pizza Party Participation Patch (for the back of the vest.)
The girls also received their cookie order forms. Public sale begins Monday.
Below is a few photos from the holiday party:
The girls had a tour of the dishwashing area, kitchen, refrigerator, and freezer. Afterwards, they made their own cheese pizza. Each girl received a certificate and a coupon for a free pizza upon their return.
The leaders also handed out Animals Try-it patches (triangle shape for the front of the vest) and a Pizza Party Participation Patch (for the back of the vest.)
The girls also received their cookie order forms. Public sale begins Monday.
Below is a few photos from the holiday party:
patch event,
special event,
troop2082 event
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