Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Girl Scout night with Flat Stanley -- Saturday, March 8 at 5 p.m.

On Saturday March 8th at 5 p.m. Broadway Across America-Boston is hosting Massachusetts' Girl Scouts for a special performance of The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley at the Colonial Theatre in Boston.

This night includes the chance to earn a Flat Stanley Girl Scout Badge, a night of theater with Girl Scouts from around the area, and a post show discussion with the Flat Stanely actors!

Visit http://www.flatstanleyboston.com/GirlScoutNight.html for more information and special-discounted tickets --- $11.25 for balcony and $21.25 mezzanine seats.

Click here for the special badge requirements: http://www.flatstanleyboston.com/GirlScoutsRequirements.html

Dr. Seuss Event Deadline Extended to March 20

As the three councils from Eastern Massachusetts have now merged into one, Brownies from the former Patriots Trail Council are welcome to attend events and programs offered by the other Eastern Massachusetts councils.

The Southeastern Girl Scout Council is offering a special Dr. Seuss Brownie event with a patch for $8 in the spring of 2008. The event will be held on Saturday, April 12 in Norton, Massachusetts.

EVENT DETAILS: Dr Seuss loved silly characters and stories, but he had a serious mission -- to make the world a better place. His stories are full of values themes ... The Lorax (care for the environment), The Sneeches (bullying, self image), Butter Battle (conflict resolution, peace) and others will guide girls from the stories to the impact of the lessons they teach. This culminates in ideas for service through hands-on activities to help others. It’s a feel-good extravaganza with a fun, funky twist! Bring a bag lunch.
The deadline to register is March 20 (Please contact a troop leader if you would like to register and she can explain the process. This is not a Brownie troop 2082 event, so individual Brownies may attend on their own.)

Event is Saturday, April 12 in Norton
4 Time slot options: 9 a.m. to noon, 10-1 p.m., 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and noon to 3 p.m.
Fee is $8 and includes a patch

Cookie Booth Sale at Stop & Shop - Monday, March 3

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Working on Shapes TRY-IT at 2/11/08 Meeting

At the Feb. 11 meeting, the Brownies worked on shapes, colors, & numbers activities.

Below are a few photos of the girls building things with foam shapes. (Hailey even built a 3-D bridge with her shapes.)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Brownie Me & My Pal Bowling Event!!!

The Town of Framingham Girl Scouts is sponsoring a "Me & My Pal Bowling" event on Saturday, March 15.

(For those of you whose daughters were Daisy Scouts last year, it is a repeat of last year's popular bowling event, which sold out!!!)

Place: Fairways Bowling, Route 9, in Natick
Date: Saturday, March 15

There are 3 time slot options. They are: 1
1 = 8:45-10:15am
2 = 10:15-11:45am
3 = 11:45am-1:15pm
Who: All Framingham Girl Scouts are invited to participate with a "pal” -- defined as an adult older than 18 years who is a significant person in the girl’s life.
Cost: $6.50 per girl and $5 per pal (covers cost of bowling, shoe rental, and a special patch)

Event Schedule:
15 minutes
= Check in, patches given to troop leader or representative, girls and their pals assigned to lanes and pick up their bowling shoes
60 minutes = Bowl (lanes are automatically timed, don’t be late or you may miss bowling time)
15 minutes = Return shoes

This event fills up quickly, please let a Brownie troop 2082 leader know if your daughter would like to participate no later than our meeting on Feb. 25.

Girl Scout Night with the Boston Celtics

The Star & Spindle Girl Scout Council, which recently merged with our council to form the Girl Scouts of Eastern Mass Council is offering a Girl Scout Night at a Celtics game on Friday night, March 28 at 7:30.

The deadline to register is Tuesday, Feb. 12.

This is not a Brownie troop 2082 specific event, but we could organize a mini-group, if anyone is interested.

The former Star & Spindle Counil has reserved tickets and any troop can be recognized on the JUMBO-tron.
Girl Scouts who attend will get a special Boston Celtics patch.

Where: TD Banknorth Garden, Boston
When: Friday, March 28, 7:30 pm
Girl Scout Fee: $27
Adult Fee: $27

If you are interested let you leader know ASAP so we can inquiry about tickets.
I believe the game is against the Hornets...

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Brownie 2082 Meeting - Monday, Feb. 11 at 3:45 p.m.

Hi Troop 2082: Reminder- we have a meeting on Monday (3:45-5:15).
The snack person is Jill. (We have 14 girls) You can either bring juice boxes or drink and cups along with snack.

Shawn is thrilled to report that we had a very succesful booth sale and girls will each get credit for approximately 12 more boxes of cookies! (12 boxes means each girl will receive a very special cookie patch!!!)
She has scheduled another cookie booth sale at Stop & Shop on Monday March 3rd. Details to follow.

Have a good weekend!


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Girl Scout Sunday MASS - March 9 at 9 a.m.

Framingham Girl Scouts is Celebrating Girl Scout Week with a special Girl Scout Sunday Mass at St. Bridget Church

Date: Sunday, March 9, 2008
Time: 9 a.m. Family Mass (downstairs)
Contact Person for the event: Mary Ann Sager at 508-872-4989

All Girl Scouts, Leaders, and their families are invited to join St. Bridget Parish as we celebrate Girl Scout Sunday. Everyone is encouraged to wear their uniforms and sit together in the reserved pews near the front of the church. It is recommended that the girls arrive by 8:45 a.m.to be seated in the reserved area.
It is encouraged to have Safety wise adults sit with the girls in the reserved section.
As a reminder we are there representing the Town of Framingham Girl Scouts and are guests to the church, please help keep the girls quiet before, during, and after the Mass.

Please call Mary Ann ASAP for the following:
***Those who would like to participate in the Mass as readers, altar servers, gift bearers, or door greeters. Please call early for this first come/first serve opportunity.
***With an approximate number of attendees to ensure adequate seating and for your troop's number to be displayed at the end of the pew.

Final decision for helpers will be made on Feb. 29

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Special Dr. Seuss Brownie Event

As the three councils from Eastern Massachusetts have now merged into one, Brownies from the former Patriots Trail Council are welcome to attend events and programs offered by the other Eastern Massachusetts councils.

The Southeastern Girl Scout Council is offering a special Dr. Seuss Brownie event with a patch for $8 in the spring of 2008. The event will be held on Saturday, April 12 in Norton, Massachusetts.

EVENT DETAILS: Dr Seuss loved silly characters and stories, but he had a serious mission -- to make the world a better place. His stories are full of values themes ... The Lorax (care for the environment), The Sneeches (bullying, self image), Butter Battle (conflict resolution, peace) and others will guide girls from the stories to the impact of the lessons they teach. This culminates in ideas for service through hands-on activities to help others. It’s a feel-good extravaganza with a fun, funky twist! Bring a bag lunch.

The deadline to register is Feb. 25 (Please contact a troop leader if you would like to register and she can explain the process. This is not a Brownie troop 2082 event, so individual Brownies may attend on their own.)

Event is Saturday, April 12 in Norton
4 Time slot options: 9 a.m. to noon, 10-1 p.m., 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and noon to 3 p.m.
Fee is $8 and includes a patch

Saturday, February 2, 2008

NEW COUNCIL is official!

As of yesterday Feb. 1, the Patriots Trail Council (our former council), The Star & Spindle Council and the Southeastern Massachusetts Council have all merged to form the Girl Scouts of Eastern Mass Council.
For more information on the merger visit, http://www.girlscoutseasternmass.org/aboutfaqs.htm

AS WE knew this merger was in the works when Brownie Troop 2082 began, we ordered Eastern Mass badges for our Brownie troop as opposed to the Patriots Trail badges.